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Joe Tauser

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Everything posted by Joe Tauser

  1. There's an example for Ping in the Help. The socket you use must be set to ICMP- If this doesn't work post your program. Joe T.
  2. I highly suspect the USB adapter. You need something for your PC that uses the Prolific PL2302 chipset. The USB adapter Unitronics sells is part number MJ10-22-CS35. I played with several lower cost adapters because of course I know better and I can most certainly find something cheaper online. Those Unitronics guys were trying to rip me off. They worked for programming but not for OS updates. Turns out not all serial modes are emulated in the driver by the lower cost adapter manufacturers. When the OS is updated, Visilogic shifts to ASCII mode and the cheap adapters go "Duhh ... what's that?" and cease to work. So get another adapter and let us know. Or do what I do and find an old Dell Latitude D630 with a real serial port. I have four of them (super cheap on eBay) and they are still my field computers. They run Win 7 just fine. Joe T.
  3. Need more information. Does your V130 have an RS232 and a USB mini port? If so, which one are you plugged into? How are you connecting to your PC? Directly to USB port or through a USB to serial adapter? If an adapter, what is the brand and part number? This is the question I was asking. Joe T.
  4. Exactly how are you physically connecting to the PLC? If USB is involved you probably have a driver issue. We need to know all the details. Joe T.
  5. Search the Help for "bootstrap". It will tell you how to get the PLC into a mode that you can reload everything. Make sure you are using COM 1 on the PLC. Joe T.
  6. It just so happened I found a page that explained data types and their capacities for the C language. Unitronics uses the same type of data structures as C (and other languages) for MIs, MLs, MBs, and DWs. Here's a big hint - MIs are two byte signed integers. I'm trying to get you to figure out why your encoder is rolling over to negative values when it passes 32,767. Knowing this will raise your Programmer Power Level. It's got nothing to do with the encoder. Joe T.
  7. It's also under Tools in the tree. I recommend you look at some of the PID example programs under Help-> Sample U90 Projects. Joe T.
  8. @petter You really should have started a new post for this issue, but it's already been approved. You can export the application to a USB drive using the built-in UniApps. This is covered in the Help - search for "uniapps" and look at cloning. Joe T.
  9. @kratmel and @Ausman - you gave him the fix without explaining why, nor tried to get him to discover the answer for himself. You have not taught him how to fish. Anyone who gets into a programming language and gets paid to do it really needs to learn the data types and their properties, whether it be ladder logic in a PLC or a language on a computer such as C. @kikitron Here's your homework - look at this page- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_data_types.htm Then come back and tell us why the encoder values were doing what you observed and tell us a better way to do it. Joe T.
  10. Don't even bother with the Z pulse. A Unitronics HSC input can't handle it, as I recently discovered. If you read the fine print on the specification guide, setting one of the inputs to "Reset" turns it into a regular input with the speed limitations of scan time. In other words, you can't use it to reset the counter. It goes flying by too fast. Joe T.
  11. 😄 When I was in middle school in the '70s there was a big push to convert to the metric system. The end result was us seppos are just too stubborn and/or stupid to get with a program based on powers of 10. I personally like millimeters for laying things out, but I just can't think in terms of Centigrade. Joe T.
  12. True. Just as an aside, I usually set my retries to 1. If it ain't gonna talk on the first try, a lot of times it ain't gonna talk. Joe T.
  13. Good observations. @Cara Bereck Levy - please send these to the Creators as feature requests. Joe T.
  14. Don't over-think it- This is what you do to change the timer preset to a known number. Joe T.
  15. I'm guessing you mean MB bit. And you want to increment / decrement the timer by some amount. But as Aus points out, you can't control the number of revolutions without an index pulse. So you'll need to figure out how fast to make the drive run as well for a given rotation time. This can be back-calculated with some uncertainty if you know the drive speed needed for the 20 second rotation. Hopefully you're not looking for exactly one rotation with this method. To answer your immediate question, the Store TP block can be used to move a new preset to the timer. Timers are 32 bit animals, so you'll need to work with an ML and add or subtract some number of 0.01 increments to your timer when the up or down button is pressed. If you've already beat on this, post some code and some data regarding the drive speed / rotation time and we can be more helpful. Joe T.
  16. Some thoughts on this type of device... I've looked at the Ewon and the Tosibox units. I lean toward the Tosibox as it requires a "key" and seems more secure. The concern I really have with these or any other setup that uses a third party cloud-based connector service is you are handing the keys to your kingdom to another company and trusting that they won't abandon you. No, it's not. Look at what you're really paying for- Pay particular attention to the phrase "free standard service". Free? Really? No. Programmers don't work for free, contrary to some of the posts we get on this forum asking for an "example" of a very specific application. You're really buying a "lifetime" subscription to their web service. Their (and others) business model is the web service and its costs will be covered by ongoing future hardware sales. This is very similar to a Ponzi scheme (my personal opinion). If their hardware sales dry up, that free service will become a monthly fee or go away all together. I used to have a Palm Pilot in the Before-Time for my contacts, which I synchronized to Outlook with a program called PocketMirror by Chapura. Then this happened- https://forums.webosnation.com/webos-discussion-lounge/317641-chapura-closed-7-18-2012-a.html Bummer. So I threw my Palm Pilot TX in a drawer and figured out how to get what I needed from the Android in my smart phone. So the solution with any of these products will probably be good for 10-20 years. Probably. And I do recommend these. Just tell your customer not to be too surprised when the Internet of Things company gets bought or decides on a different Thing. Joe T.
  17. @Pendalar What country are you in? That can help with an enclosure manufacturer recommendation. I've made several little trainers using an enclosure similar to what Ausman posted. You are definitely going to have to cut your own hole - suck it up. If you don't know how let us know and I'll post pictures of how we do it. I've found some 24V 0.5A wall-warts on Digikey that work just fine. Joe T.
  18. Do you have any other PLC experience? No, your application is specific enough that there's not an example already done. Post your PLC program so we can see what you're trying to do and maybe hack on it a bit. Joe T.
  19. @C_R_PLC Specifically, what UI object types are you frustrated with? For buttons, there is actually a "Vision Style Button" in the Style dropdown that can have a small font jammed into it- The numerical displays can be made small natively- If you're frustrated with the Data Table widget and the inability to set text size I'm with you. Maybe post some screenshots with commentary. @JL_SMB Speed of response totally depends on your application and how many objects you have on the screen. And your Ladder code. And any and all communication protocols and objects you have defined. I'd be interested for you to post your code and see what's under the hood that is producing a two second response. If I may get on my soapbox, the general demand from the user base is everyone wants the PLC to do all sorts of Internet-y and Cell Phone-y things, like IoT and send me a text and serve up my files and show me a pdf and hook up to a camera and serve up webpages and I want to see the screens on my phone and connect to my database and ..... PLCs were never designed to do all these things. Computers are. To get the functionality everyone wants that UniStream delivers they had to separate the PLC engine from the computer (the front panel) and the result is two separate CPUs. I honestly don't know how UniStream compares with other PLC brands on this topic. The only one I've had recent experience with is an AB CompactLogix talking to a PanelView Plus. The PanelView Plus has nowhere near the functionality of the UniStream and a 10" unit was $6,000 USD. My general position is if you've got a complaint, give us a lot more detail on your application so that we may either agree with you or point out what you're doing wrong that's causing a problem. Joe T.
  20. The compare and store logic is the same. Instead of using the timer to reset the max value, you'll reset it manually at the beginning of the test. Have you started a program that you can post? Joe T.
  21. You're looking for what's known as a "peak picker"- If you want to keep a record of the max values, set up a data table and bump down all the records when the new one comes in. There are other posts about averaging. Here's one, but search the forum for "averaging". http://forum.unitronics.com/topic/1242-movingrolling-average/?tab=comments#comment-4293 Joe T.
  22. If you have a good understanding of Modbus mapping it looks like you can set up the MicroLogix as a slave over one of its serial ports. I found this on the web. Joe T. PLC+Modbus+Config.pdf
  23. 1. Make sure you're calling the subroutine. The fact that you bit doesn't go on with a SET coil hanging on the rail indicates the logic isn't being solved. 2. Never, ever, ever use a NO contact with a toggle coil output. The result will be a bit that chatters with every other scan. Use a positive transitional instead. Joe T.
  24. Your offset is most likely being cause by a ground potential difference between where the thermocouples are located and where the PLC is installed. The -E4XB is not isolated and if there are any VFDs in the system the grounded end of the thermocouple will pick up noise like an antenna. Remember that the output from a thermocouple is very small - for a type T at 20 C it's 0.790 mV. That's 0.00079 volts. It doesn't take much to upset them. The first thing I would do is go to an ungrounded thermocouple, which will slow down your response time a bit but will help with the noise issue. Speaking of response time, why are you concerned with a 400 ms response on a thermocouple? Do you know what response you actually need? It takes 100 ms to blink your eyes. Response time is usually determined as a function of the ratio of the mass of the media being heated (or cooled) and the available power of device used to change its temperature such as heating elements or a chiller. Also, why type T? This type is typically used for really low temperature applications such a refrigeration - type J and K are much more common as they have higher usable linear temperature ranges. Joe T.
  25. You need something with a DC output compatible with what the PLC is looking for. These are the ones I use (full disclosure: and sell as a distributor)- http://www.dwyer-inst.com/Product/ProcessControl/CurrentTransformers-Switches/SeriesCCT60-70 Joe T.
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