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Everything posted by Saragani

  1. @Evan Searcy Currently, there isn't one, but I'll add your request to the plan.
  2. You can ask Unitronics support to restore it for you.
  3. Can you share the project that cause the compile errors?
  4. @NoamM Please reply, and if needed, add a ticket for this issue
  5. Just to clarify. Don't run this command unless you know that the sector size is the problem. The issue is explained here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/sql/database-engine/database-file-operations/troubleshoot-os-4kb-disk-sector-size Assuming that your windows, and program files are on C drive, then: 1. Open the command prompt as Administrator 2. Type: fsutil fsinfo sectorinfo c: You should look at PhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity and PhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance The values should be either 512 or 4096. Any other value, especially values larger than 4096 will cause a problem with SQL Server, and then we need to force windows to use a sector size of 4096 bytes. The command of doing so is few posts above, and it is also explained in the link in this post (by Microsoft).
  6. @VladF OK, please try the following (Anyone else, don't try this. Each problem on its own): Start command prompt as Administrator Type in the command prompt: sqllocaldb delete unilogic Then type in the command prompt: REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "* 4095" /f Restart the computer Then try running UniLogic and tell me if it helped
  7. OK, Please contact our support team, so they will open a ticket on this issue, so it can be addressed. As far as I understand, the issue is not Remote Operator, but the PLC, that might be too busy for receiving the connection from the PC.
  8. @sgull Can you please send me a private message with your AnyDesk ID?
  9. @sgull If you want, I can have a remote session to your computer, in order to check why it doesn't work. @VladF Ditto. This might be an issue with SQL Server and sector size
  10. @VladF I'm not able to reproduce the issue with the Quick Sync. If you can, then share your project with me, so I can try reproducing it.
  11. @sgull Long story short: It works on my computer. I don't think that the issue you describe is related to Windows 11. What the "Keep old version" does it copy the files from the old installation to a new location and also copy a some files from the ProgramData into that folder. Then change an XML file inside the old installed UniLogic. Then it uninstalls UniLogic and installs the new version. Next time it happens to you, tell me, so I can debug it on your computer in a remote session.
  12. The default language is the fall back language, meaning that any text which is not translated is taken from it. You can edit the text on the HMI and Web when editing the elements themselves.
  13. @sgull I will check it. I have Windows 11, so I can install 1.33.373 and then 1.34.192 and see if it reproduces.
  14. @Marco Mendoza Yes, it should run fine. As with other previous versions, some users experience issues with windows 11, reporting wrong sector size, which makes the SQL Server to fail starting. This issue already has a workaround by Microsoft.
  15. Are you connecting to the same port that is being used for sending the email? If not, what's the relation to sending email? Is Closing Remote Operator and Starting it again solves the problem?
  16. 1. I'm not aware of this issue, and it was never reported. Did you report it to Unitronics Support? Are you still able to reproduce it with UniLogic 1.34? I will try reproducing this problem, but I never encountered it. 2. @NoamM Please see reply, and answer other questions in previous posts 5. Well, Developments mode turns off password validation (It works for about 30 minutes, maybe less, from the time of activation, if I remember correctly). By that, the communication of UniLogic with the PLC is faster due to smaller overhead. This is good when you are connected directly to the PLC and you want to save time when using Quick Sync, or when performing Download. You can turn the Development On, turn it Off, or check the status of it in the PLC. 6. No, it is not possible to use ST and Ladder inside the same function. You can call ST functions from Ladder, and vice versa And please explain the pictures you've attached. I assume that you are showing the issue with the missing images, but what is the second image, and what is the third one? How is the images problem resolved? by restarting the HMI or PLC? Would you mind sharing your project, so I can try reproducing the issue with the images? (Can be done through our support)
  17. This is actually, not the Web Server or the PLC's fault. Here is just a simple example of a single hyperlink that reproduces the problem (No Web server or JavaScript are involved, just plain HTML). You can see that it navigates to instead of 41 in Oct base (8 base, digits 0-7) is exactly 33, and if you put .010 instead of 041, it will go to 8 (since 10 in oct base is 8). I'm guessing that when padding a zero before the number, chrome (and probably all the browsers) is parsing it in Oct base. You can read about it here as well: https://superuser.com/questions/857603/are-ip-addresses-with-and-without-leading-zeroes-the-same test.html
  18. 1. What buttons disappearing? I'm not aware of this issue, or I might now understanding to which button you are referring. Can you be more specific? 2. @NoamM can you answer that? 3. @NoamM Ditto 4. This problem happens when the screen you are loading / switching to has a lot of elements. You should consider redesigning your HMI Screens, unless @NoamM as a better suggestion 5. There are some improvements in the quick sync + online since version 1.33, but it still verifies the project after entering quick sync, and there are still some improvements that can be done in order to reduce the time it takes to enter quick sync. On a small project, it took 7.5 seconds to enter quick sync mode while online was already active, but when Development mode was active, the time was reduced to 4 seconds, so should consider using it. On next release, entering Quick Sync Mode, after Online is already active, should be almost instant. 6. It should now work properly. Some issues were found and fixed in the Quick Sync. Please note that some changes that may affect other features (Meaning: not Ladder, C code or ST code) terminates quick sync, since only Logic changes are downloaded.
  19. I'm not sure that there is a solution. I don't know what virt-viewer gives, but VNC protocol is a very old protocol, which its last update was in 2011, long before touch screens where mainstream. It's designed to support mouse and keyboard, so it doesn't surprise me that you see a mouse cursor where ever you touch. The protocol is being maintained by RealVNC, and this explains the protocol https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6143 As far as I know, the protocol doesn't support multi-touch, and as much as I remember, it doesn't transfer audio.
  20. About software versioning, it's on our roadmap to support text files, I cannot give any ETA though... Making project files test based is the first stage of supporting Git, but it is not the last one. You still need to handle git in UniLogic (since there people who don't know how to work with it), and you also need to handle conflicts, since having text based files doesn't suggest that common users can resolve conflicts by themselves.
  21. It converts the UTR file into USD file. It appears that the UTR file doesn't contain any data.
  22. Unitronics.RemoteOperator.dll Hi @rkejik Please find the attached DLL. It is compiled for .Net 4.7.2 Tell me if it's working for you. It's also using a newer version of the Communication Driver, but I can't release it at the moment since it's still in development, so I hope there won't be any problems (You can compile the communication driver from the source code on the website as .Net 4.7.2)
  23. Most likely that port 22 is not being forwarded. You can try connecting to the PLC using FileZilla while entering the address: sftp://PLC-IP-Address-On-4G You might not be able to connect, or you might connect but the device that will reply will be the router. If the sftp server rejects your connection due to invalid username and password, then it means that it was able to connect. (I just want to check the connection over port 22) Please tell us if you are able to connect with FileZilla? Furthermore, when connecting, you should get a dialog of "Unknown host key". Did you get it? If you were not able to connect, then in UniLogic, under PLC on the Ribbon, under UniStream Management -> PLC console communication, click on Turn on, and then try again with FileZilla. Were you able to establish a connection now?
  24. Why don't you load from a Recipe? You can create many recipes, and then copy paste the content of the text file (in csv format) to your recipe.
  25. @thomas.stevens And how would those "alternative software for data conversion to Excel" would know the structure of the Data Sampler binary file??
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