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Everything posted by Saragani

  1. I'm unable to reproduce the problem. I've created a CSV with 1000 rows, and converted it to UDTF. I can clearly see that it has 1000 rows. I was then also able to use UDTF Count in order to count the rows and columns, and got the right result, and I was also able to load it to the data table using Load DTI from file. I'm using a newer version of UniLogic and PLC Firmware, so I'll check tomorrow if there was a bug with this Utility in the current official version.
  2. Hi, I'm currently checking your report. I'll update you after I reproduce the problem and confirm that it is a bug.
  3. But won'y you still need to create 37 instances of the Motor struct, even though you have a UDFB?
  4. Well, sort of. You have Data Tables, which are basically array of structs.
  5. For English characters and digits, the conversion is easy. Each byte in the ascii is being copied to the lower byte of the matching 4 bytes. (each byte is being padded with 3 "nulls"). You need use a buffer. Clear it first, iterate the ASCII string, and copy the character in index i to the buffer at offset i*4 Then use Buffer to tag in order to copy the result to a UTF32 tag.
  6. Thank you, and sorry for your inconvenience, I've been successfully able to reproduce the bug. There is indeed a problem with the Import of the Data Table element. This bug affects all 3 Selection tags in the Widget (Row, Column and Array member). I've opened a bug report for this issue. It will be fixed on the next release.
  7. OK, so please send the project to out support, and then me or someone else from the R&D will check it and fix it. Thanks
  8. Yes, we aware of the problem with the pen icon appearing after a project was re-opened. This issue will be fixed on the next version. Regarding the Data Table element, it seems that something is wrong with that element. The easy fix is to delete the element and put a new one instead.
  9. There is a main method, but it can be changed. You should see a Ladder Module marked in Bold, and a function masked in Bold as well. Theses are the Main function, and the module that contains it. If you right click another function in the Tree, then you will see that there is an option in the context menu to set it as Main function.
  10. If you download the UniLogic sample projects from our website: http://www.unitronics.com/Downloads/Support/UniLogic/UniLogic%20Example%20Projects.zip Then inside the zip file, there is a a directory called UDFB's, and inside it, there is a UDFB called Num to ASCII.ulle Import that UDFB to your project, and call that function.
  11. There are 2 options: 1) Use the Message Composer and then use Build Message 2) There is a UDFB that someone wrote, that does that.
  12. Currently not, and changing those ports from the PLC will also affect the USB connectivity (because the USB is an RNDIS Gadget, which means that it is Ethernet). When you connect directly to the PLC, you don't need to change the ports.
  13. Hi, this could also be a UAC / Permission issues, since the communication dll is trying to extract an xml file. You could make the dll not extract the dll, and use it in RAM, by: PLCFactory.WorkWithXmlInternally = true; (Do this just once, when the application starts). Tell me if it helps. If not, when you can debug the code (the exception you see hides the actual error. I don't know if it fails dues to timeout or some other issues).
  14. Currently, those ports are not configurable.
  15. I think you should be able to configure a NAT where connection to port X goes to IP A and port B, and connection to port Y goes to IP C and port D.
  16. "So, what is the solution for using different ports for download and online, in order to connect to PLC with port forwarding router." Yes, so you can connect from the internet to one IP address, and give different ports and be able to connect to different PLCs.
  17. Does it always happen with this project? What happens if you reboot your PLC (If you can), does it solve the problem?
  18. Hi, don't disregard this. If something that supposed to work doesn't then we need to know about it, in order to fix it. I understand that you connect to the PLC using Ethernet, but when you try to write offline (predefined) values to the PLC, it give you an error. Am I correct?
  19. Hi, the reason why we create a big page from each function is so it then can be printed in any kind of page (Not just A4, but A3, A0 and on industrial printers). When you open the PDF and choose to print it, then you have an option to print it as "Poster" (at least, that's the name of the option in Acrobat reader. Other programs may name it differently). So now, when you choose the printer and the page size, acrobat splits it to several pages (some of them are also on the horizontal axis, since the function logic might be too wide to fit a single page). Printing HMI and Tags is on our To Do list (but not for the next version).
  20. Currently, it is not possible, but it's on our list.
  21. How did you uninstall it manually? by Deleting the files in the Program files? 1) Try uninstalling UniLogic from the Control Panel (Add remove programs) 2) Download the attached file, and extract the exe inside it to C:\ 3) Run the command prompt as Administrator 4) Navigate to your C:\ in the command prompt (using CD\ ) 5) Execute the following command in the command prompt: msizap T {83C5EAE0-FB24-4ACD-848A-9286B0DC30C1} (You may want to copy paste it from this thread to the command prompt) 6) Install UniLogic 7) Reboot the PC MsiZap.zip
  22. An item may appear as modified also then a related (used) tag in that function/screen has been upgraded (A member name was changed, or some members where added/removed). If you are using some system or IO structs, then that might happen. For example, the FTP Server struct was updated...
  23. Hi, the next release is going to be 1.16, and it is going to be released soon. These bugs will only be fixed in version 1.17, which is scheduled for like 4 months from now. Right now, the workaround of storing the strings using "Store String" works, so you can use it. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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