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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. On 7/6/2017 at 7:18 AM, Jamie123 said:


    I have done something quite sneaky. I have been unable to replicate the fault, the button works for me every time, I suspect the operator has a bad aim.

    I have swapped the plc's without telling them. Will be interesting to see if the fault is then reported on the other machine.


    This is smart! Please report back with the results - we must know! :)

  2. Another possibility - these screens can only register a single touch at once. We're all used to multi-touch screens on our phones and these screens won't do that. If there is anything else touching the screen, the second touch won't register. Make sure the screen is clean and if the plastic screen protector is still on the screen, remove it. Confirm the operator isn't inadvertently touching the screen elsewhere when trying to push the button.

  3. I've never seen the second message you show, but that looks like you're trying to update VisiLogic, not the firmware on your PLC. To update the firmware on your PLC, connect the PLC with the computer running VisiLogic and confirm you have a connection (Connection/Get PLC Information), then select the 4th tab over (tool tip says Operating System), then click the Check button. After that, follow the prompts and be prepared to wait about 5 minutes while VisiLogic updates your PLC firmware. You should then be good to go.

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  4. Perhaps I don't understand what you're doing because it seems simple and obvious what to do. Use a buffer MI to store the value you want to go to the analog output. Use two rungs, one with a direct contact of MB 31 to store MI 20 to your buffer MI and a second rung with an inverted contact of MB 31 to store MI 22 to the buffer MI. Use the buffer MI in the Linearization function block.

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