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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. I'm at a loss here. Are we mixing up the terms UniStream and UniLogic? @GonzaloRoldan_, says he agrees with @Ausman, but still sounds like he wants to go from his laptop to the UniStream PLC using the UniLogic software.

    What I have done many times is download a program from my computer over the internet to a Vision PLC using VisiLogic. I have done this with PLCs as far away as 8,500 miles (Dallas, TX to Brisbane, Australia). It helps to increase the value of SI 101 first.

  2. Maybe a little off-topic, but I need to have redundant power supplies (24V for the PLC) in a system. What is the best approach to this? Two power supplies running all the time in parallel or a relay that switches when a power supply fails? I'm not sure the relay would be fast enough to prevent the PLC and other related 24V hardware from going down.

    Any education in this area would be greatly appreciated.

    @Joe Tauser, do you have relevant experience with this?

  3. 26 minutes ago, Ausman said:

    I have the modules stashed away somewhere and will try to find time to give them a go on a 130 serial.  This might take a week if you can wait that long.

    No problem with the wait. Many thanks for the help!

    26 minutes ago, Ausman said:

    The other relevant question is how are they wanting to do this?  What will they be reading it with?

    Yeah, that's the $64,000 question I don't have an answer to yet. The request is from my customer's customer and I haven't got the details yet. But I heard Bluetooth and thought I should at least get educated on it so I can respond realistically.

  4. I split this off into a separate topic since it didn't belong where it was.

    Regarding your question, the result looks correct to me. You are linearizing the value 11,159 to 0 - 10 from 255 - 65535. I didn't do the math, but 11,159 looks to be about 2 tenths of the way from 255 to 65535.

    Edit: I see you've changed the attached picture since I posted my response. However, my answer remains the same. The linearization appears to be about right.

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