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Is there currently or are there any plans to make a Vision PLC simulator that can be run on a PC. I have been making some program changes for PLC's at remote locations and would like to be able to run the Program before I deploy it but I do not have the hardware to run it here.

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Is there currently or are there any plans to make a Vision PLC simulator that can be run on a PC. I have been making some program changes for PLC's at remote locations and would like to be able to run the Program before I deploy it but I do not have the hardware to run it here.

A Simulator would be AWESOME!!!!

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  • 8 months later...

I am brand new to the Unitronics world, and I wanted to add my comment here -- a simulator/emulator would be an excellent asset. I work for a distributor that has just picked up the Unitronics product line (as in last week), and this issue comes up on both of the sales calles that I have taken the product on. Simulation is almost a must have.

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  • 10 months later...
  • MVP 2023


At the moment there is no such a simulator available, and checking applications require an actual PLC.

We are aware of the need of a simulator and planning on issuing one in the future.

Initial response: Yay! They're finally working on one! :)

Second look: Oh, that reply was posted almost 2 years ago. :(

I'm really surprised this is turning out to be so difficult.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • External Moderators

Hi Guys,


There is a Simulator available now! As of Monday the 14th of October the Simulator (VirtualPLC) has been available through the Unitronics Developer Market to a limited number of Countries.


If you are interested in getting your copy of VirtualPLC - please contact me directly either as a Private Message on this forum or at: support@virtualplc.co.nz


You can keep up to date with VirtualPLC on the Facebook Page at: http://www.facebook.com/VirtualPLC

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All


I have downloaded this and it is really at the "work in progress" stage yet.

I'm sure it will work ok with very basic programs but if you have data tables, sd cards or are displaying float values and many other feactures you will have problems.

It really needs to have more functionality including the ability to simulate inputs in order to be useful.


On the website it claims the following "VirtualPLC allows you to Fully Interact with every aspect of a Unitronics PLC on your Computer"

This statement is 100% true except for the fact that it is only compatible with certain PLC's and certainly will not interact with all aspects of these.


We do need a PLC simulator, and it's great that someone is in the process of developing one, but misleading advertising may not be the way to sell an unfinished product.




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  • External Moderators

Fully agreed Cara.


Denis, my apologies you have felt mislead. Some features like the SD Card will take a lot of work to complete, which is why it has been left to the end. Floats should be fully supported - I'm wondering what trouble you were having with displaying floats? Also the Data Tables are partially completed, a few features like Clear Table and Clear Row are still to be implemented, but they aren't far off from being available.


If I can point you to the VirtualPLC Forum: http://forum.virtualplc.co.nz that's the place to discuss this. It's great when I'm able to understand any issues you are having or key features that are missing that you wish to see made available - that way I can prioritize what feature gets completed next.

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Hi Cara


I understand that this is not a unitronics product but it is being promoted on this forum.

I downloaded this from the third party because I saw it promoted here and on it being compatible with all Unitronics PLC's and on it having full functionality.

Neither is the case and I was just pointing it out here because the Virtual PLC website does not give this information until after you pay and download the product.

Almost all of the programs I have tried will not work because they use passwords, data tables or num to ASCII all of which are not yet supported.

I'm sure other Unitronics Forum Members have downloaded this based on having seen it advertised here.

If the developer will not list the limitations of the software on his website then I think it should be highlighted here for the benefit of other members who are interested in purchasing this.




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  • 5 years later...
  • MVP 2023

I think it's unlikely we'll ever see a software simulator from Unitronics. Their programming software is free and the PLC hardware is less expensive than most other manufacturers programming and simulator software. Just pony up for an actual PLC and you'll be amazed at how well it works as a simulator. :)

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