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Hello Everyone!!!

I need to take upload from V570.

I have Visilogic 9.8.31 version software.

I made cable as instructed in manual. Cable continuity is tested & found ok.

I set all my PC i.e. device setting - Bits per second, data bit, stop bit, parity as same as in V570 found at COM1 port setting.

Still I didn't able to establish communication & hence upload from V570.

The error msg is comming as -

"1.   Cable connections are not secure.

2.   Timeout is too short.

3.   Incorrect communication setting (Baud Rate, Com port number)

4.   Current user name is not authorized for this action."


Can anyone tell me what can I do now..

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Hi Joe!!!

Thanks. I do not have copy of program.

I read that in help about  "burned for upload". Now How can I know now the programmer had done - "Burned for upload". Is there is any way to find it whether it is "burned for upload" or not??

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Dear Joe,

Ok. But atleast why communication is not established after communication settings done. I made 4 wire cable for RS232. Something mistake I may have done; which is not clicking.

I am not getting "GET PLC STATUS". Same message is comming as above error I given. Because of one of the 4 errors I am not able to establish the communication.

Please tell me what are the check points I need to check once again atleast to eastablish communication & GET PLC STATUS / DATA.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi Parag,

Further to agreeing to everything already said, to me it looks like you don't have any comms at all at present.  I'll weigh in with the following which might assist further:

0).  (ha ha.....my first plc joke for the year!)  Ensure Visi is installed and running as Admin.

1).  If there is an ethernet port on the 570 try your comms using that with settings derived from the unit.

2).  Using info mode, ensure that SB314 is off.

3).  If still trying with 232, again check your cable.  Google images for mj10-22-cs25, as well as looking up your Unitronics info, for clarity.

4).  Ensure that you are plugging your 232 into the comm port, and not the expansion (or ethernet if there) port.

5).  Don't run usb and 232 together.

6).  Check all the 232 parameters decided upon in Visi, and write them to the settings in Device Manager.  Close out of DM and try again.  I have had instances where things don't work unless Windows is set exactly the same.  Vary your speed settings around, doing the same things with settings in DM, and try again.

7).  You should at least be able to get into some sort of communication with it.  If you achieve this, and it still refuses an upload, then it is likely not burned.

Keep asking, anyway!

cheers, and HNY to all.


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Hi Ausman,

0).  (ha ha.....my first plc joke for the year!)  Ensure Visi is installed and running as Admin. - Yes, it is running as admin. There is no other user.

1).  If there is an ethernet port on the 570 try your comms using that with settings derived from the unit.  - We tried to ping from ethernet setting, but it failed.

2).  Using info mode, ensure that SB314 is off. - This we havn't checked. We will check it.

3).  If still trying with 232, again check your cable.  Google images for mj10-22-cs25, as well as looking up your Unitronics info, for clarity. - Cable checked once again. It is ok.

4).  Ensure that you are plugging your 232 into the comm port, and not the expansion (or ethernet if there) port. - Yes. COM1 only. Port 1.

5).  Don't run usb and 232 together. - There is no usb on 570.

6).  Check all the 232 parameters decided upon in Visi, and write them to the settings in Device Manager.  Close out of DM and try again.  I have had instances where things don't work unless Windows is set exactly the same.  Vary your speed settings around, doing the same things with settings in DM, and try again. - This we tried. We changed speed to 57k same is setted in pc. & again tried.

7).  You should at least be able to get into some sort of communication with it.  If you achieve this, and it still refuses an upload, then it is likely not burned.


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  • MVP 2023
7 hours ago, Parag said:

We tried to ping from ethernet setting, but it failed.

I've never known an Ethernet connection to fail if the following are true:

1) Confirm the ethernet IP address is correct (check in INFO Mode)

2) Confirm the PLC Name is correct (check in INFO Mode)

3) Make sure your PC is on the same subnet as the PLC (first 3 octets are the same)

I'm told modern ethernet adapters will auto-adjust, but I always use a crossover cable or hub just to make sure.

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In regards to the Ethernet communication failing.

Flex beat me to it but one thing he didn't mention:

If your in a network disconnect the PLC and ping the IP address to double check that there is no duplicate.  I've had this before and it prevented me from communicating with the PLC as it wasn't the PLC responding but the PC with the same IP address.

I did double check this morning as well.  If the upload project hasn't been burned to the PLC you will get a different error message.



  So this is a communication issue between the V570 and your PC.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi Ausman,

0).  (ha ha.....my first plc joke for the year!)  Ensure Visi is installed and running as Admin. - Yes, it is running as admin. There is no other user.

You mis-understand Aus's question - it's not the Admin user.  You must modify the Properties of Visilogic.exe to "Run As Admin".

Cam is right about the Upload vs. Com error.

You didn't answer whether you have a dedicated serial port or a USB->Serial converter.

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

so far it's great the way everyone's on this.  More good answers/questions which need to be dealt with.

Before doing anything else, Joe's comment re admin needs to be acted on.

It is again one of those issues that I would love to be onsite with, as it would likely be fixed in a flash using accrued knowledge!  I have found Unitronics to be pretty robust comms wise once things are sorted properly, so it is always a puzzle to find a thing like this.

18 hours ago, Parag said:

We tried to ping from ethernet setting, but it failed.

Given that you have ethernet, I'll persist there.  Ensure that you have the ethernet plug in the ethernet socket, not the expansion.  If you are new to Unitronics, check this very carefully as they are essentially the same type of socket and even experienced people get caught out now and then.

As others have implied, I retiterate to try ethernet with direct connection, not remotely or on a network, and with correct cabling to ensure crossover.  And you are altering your settings in the comms area of Visi, aren't you?  Connection/Communication & OS/1st tab TCP/IP (Call), Project Settings selected and a connection saved and used via the button at the right hand end of the Project Settings line.  These setting should match what is in the controller via info mode.  In info mode, find the controller's ethernet sockets and make notes of all the ports in use under PCOM on TCPs.  If you have one with 20256, (likely Socket1) then it is pretty much standard so use that.  If everything is correct, you should get a response clicking "Get Plc Information" at the bottom of Communication & OS in Visi.  If you don't, there is still something askew.  Perhaps again go into Info mode, stop the unit, go to the IP settings and set it to defaults.  Match the numbers into visi and try again on port 20256.  If this succeeds to give you comms at least, and it should, maybe something is not set up right in the user program in the first place.

Get Plc info is the most effective ping you can do to ensure it is all working ok.

If none of this works, is there anywhere you can try your comms hardware & settings on another Vision controller?

Serial is the 'works regardless" way, and that is why Joe is persisting with his question, so please advise.  We have had entire threads here on the non-genuine usb converter issues, so it is very relevant.



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