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I have Unitronics PLC V130-J-TR20 PLC, which is a master, and two Jazz JZ20-J-T40, which are slaves.

I need two of the slave Jazz PLC's to communicate with master V130 PLC.

I have made configuration in PLC Program for read and write, but it's not working properly.

When i set bit for request to read PLC3 (MB100), it reads it normally.

But, when i try to read PLC2, it reads same value that I have on PLC3, although Communication is OK with PLC2.

I have read example project, and used it to configure communication between PLC's, like you can see in the images.

Regardless of what I do, one of the PLC's is not working properly, communication says it's OK, but keeps reading values from other PLC.

IP addresses are different, of course, and i have typed them correctly into the MODBUS IP Configuration, like in the image.

On my Jazz PLC's I have done everything like Example project in U90 Ladder says.

Is there a way of fixing this?


Nikola Ljubinkovic




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Ljuba, please post IP settings for all 3 PLCs.

As I see, projects are very short. Publish all 3.

*There are some settings for Jazz 2 PLCs, which is better to see in projects.

Regarding sockets - Flex is right. When connection to both Jazz 2 is permanent, you have to use 2 sockets at V130. This is TCP/IP.

With one socket you have to connect to first Jazz 2, send/receive data, disconnect.

Connect to second Jazz 2, send/receive data, disconnect.

Etc. in loop.


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  • MVP 2023
22 hours ago, Flex727 said:

You must use two different sockets to connect to two different PLCs.

I will amend this to say, "You must use two different sockets to connect to two different PLCs at the same time without disconnecting and reconnecting (as Ljuba was trying to do).

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My IP settings are:

PLC1 (V130)

PLC2 (Jazz)

PLC3 (Jazz)

I didn't post pictures for Jazz configuration, because, like I said, I used exactly the same configuration like they showed in example project for Jazz.

My problem is not connecting to Jazz, when I connect one Jazz PLC it works normally.

My problem is connecting two of them, second PLC just keeps reading values from first PLC.

I tried with two different sockets, it gives me same results.

But look at the socket configuration, it has 16 places to put addresses of 16 different PLC, I think it has to be able to connect more PLC's on same one.

13 hours ago, AlexUT said:

Ljuba, please post IP settings for all 3 PLCs.

As I see, projects are very short. Publish all 3.

*There are some settings for Jazz 2 PLCs, which is better to see in projects.

Regarding sockets - Flex is right. When connection to both Jazz 2 is permanent, you have to use 2 sockets at V130. This is TCP/IP.

With one socket you have to connect to first Jazz 2, send/receive data, disconnect.

Connect to second Jazz 2, send/receive data, disconnect.

Etc. in loop.


I didn't understand you, are you saying in order to connect two different PLC's, I have to connect/disconnect them manually?

If so, this is not solution for me, those PLC's will be so far from each other, that this will be almost impossible.

I need some solution that when I connect them, I no longer have to connect/disconnect them.

Can somebody post project that has this configuration successfully configured?


Nikola Ljubinkovic


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  • MVP 2023

Yes, you can connect to two different PLCs without connecting/disconnecting manually. In the master, you just need two ladder rungs, each with a socket connect FB, making sure to have the correct IP addressing in each. Then you need two separate data exchange FBs, one for each PLC. It works best if you have a polling timer, rather than trying to execute the data exchange on every single PLC cycle. I usually use a 100ms timer. Also you need to initialize both sockets with the correct protocol and port number.

Make sure the Port numbers match between the master and slave for each socket. Go through every FB you're using and make sure all the IP, port numbers, and socket numbers are correct - it's easy to miss a setting.

By the way, when others mentioned connecting/disconnecting manually, they didn't mean anyone has to be physically present. It just meant performing a disconnect in the ladder logic to one PLC and then connecting to the other rather than simultaneously connecting to both. This is rarely done but is sometimes necessary when connecting to more than 4 PLCs since there is a physical limitation of 4 sockets with the Vision PLCs, except for the V700, which can have 8. The UniStream is basically unlimited.

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