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Honestly...W10 annoys me


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  • MVP 2023

Well...the latest edition has again thrown me big spanners in works and is further proof of how the M$oft people seem to not live in the real world.

I have a puter on a site that I can boot and access remotely through something else on the network.  It has to be on W10.  1803 has got a new "feature" that stops the puter being registered correctly on the network.  The fix, which I eventually found out about, is to dig down into services and find "Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties" and turn it to Automatic.  You will find it defaults at Manual.   And whilst you're there, turn on the Host above it, too.

Simple?.. .......Well...think about it........the system would boot but wouldn't show up on the small network that is set up that then lets me access it in a special way.  So thanks, Msoft, for making me do a 2 hour trip each way to spend one minute changing something back to what is needed....all because you have again decided what is best for the customer without asking them.

There is so much wrong with this O/S.  Things that took one click in W7 can take 5 now.....all in the name of "progress" or "we make it easy to use".  I think half the trouble is that the youngies using it don't have any idea how older versions did some things so well, and just accept it.

As for "Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties", to me that is just further evidence of the world going crazy.  It's a bit like "Waiter" turning into "Mobile Customer Sustenance Delivery and Optimisation Service Provider".



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  • MVP 2023

It happens to me every time I'm traveling with my laptop (Win7, by the way) - I'm working feverishly on some project at the last minute and have to be somewhere at a certain time. I try to shut down my laptop and it tells me it needs to do an update, "Do not power off or unplug your computer". What am I supposed to do, walk around the city with my laptop open and running for the next 45 minutes? Is it too much to expect Windows to ask first before leaving me in an untenable situation? This has been going on for years with thousands of complaints and Microsoft seems clueless at how much this angers their customers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

Warning....personal comment only and in no way does Unitronics officially approve the mentioned program....use at own risk.

Further to my whinge above and all my other disagreements with W10, I recently stumbled on a little program called "Winaero Tweaker" which has a whole raft of very useful things.  Link to the site:


If you scroll through the list there are some really useful things there.  No doubt M$oft will try and negate some of it's abilities, but for now it seems to be doing some things very well.

Associated with this, I have had no worries at all with using my firewall to limit Office 2016 communicating incessantly.  I don't actually like that every time I open a business document/spreadsheet/etc lots of to and fro would go on with M$oft.  They of course say that there is nothing untoward in it, but some of the sizes of stuff being sent bring questions to mind.  I am not on 365 versions....on permanent types.




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  • MVP 2023

And did you all know that CCleaner (and likely other's like it) will let you uninstall heaps of the bloatware that each big update installs, that Msoft won't let you?  Get the portable version and it's not even an install.



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  • 4 months later...
  • MVP 2023

Now for my latest whinge.

I still only have W10 on some systems, and not the ones I use everyday.  I recently changed the desktop background on one of the W10 puters to a pic of my wife sitting in a chair whilst on holidays.

Upon booting that puter a few days later, all my start menu and other settings backgrounds etc had changed to a bright red.  Huh?  Is this some sort of alert?  What is going on?

I eventually discovered that W10 has another "feature" that changes your system colours to one based on the predominant colour of your desktop background.  As the chair was bright red, M$oft decided that I would like a whole host of things changed to that colour, away from what I had originally set them at because the standard colouring is hopeless to use in certain light conditions.

Thankyou so much, M$oft, for again stuffing up my settings......those ones that I, the user/purchaser of your product, prefer.

Edit...it's almost like a government department, with people constantly dreaming up useless things to keep themselves in employment!

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

One of my main issues is W10 repeatedly changing my "do not update my drivers" setting to "let us stuff up your system by changing your drivers because you have now unticked the box that stops this happening...even though we actually unticked it for you without telling you".  It is so bad that on one system they even change a whole lot of gpedit settings to enable this to happen.  So I have to be careful every major update to ensure all of these settings get changed back to what I have set before enough time goes by that they can do it again and make the system unbootable.  I can't use WinAero on this system to stop updates happening......"security!"

It's a bit like your car service guys filling your petrol vehicle's tank with diesel during a routine service.  After it comes back from them you have to drain the tank, flush the lines, refill with petrol and then crank it all up and check things!  Just to make your car runs correctly again.  And all at your time and expense, even though they charged you for the work they did. 

cheers, Aus

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  • 5 months later...
  • MVP 2023

It would appear that the August cumulative update is breaking a host of things.  As well as issues that it appears to be creating in Unitronics land, I also had the link below drawn to my attention.

Tread carefully on any update installation and always have a full drive copy to go back to...not just a restore point etc!

I cannot believe how M$oft appears to be so blase/arrogant about the effects such significant changes will have.  It is the same attitude as previous A/Vs I've had in years gone by, where they let a problem in and then try to unsuccessfully fix it, rather than stopping it getting in in the first place.

cheers, Aus


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  • 3 months later...
  • MVP 2023

I feel sure that everyone has had this happen, but I just needed to have a rant/whinge about this constant real gripe after it happening repeatedly today.  You can't help but wonder why they do it?  More for the Customer Experience Improvement Program, given that it also records stuff about USB connections?  And runs even though you specifically opt out.  There is so much involved in CEIP that it is very hard to stop it all, and Msoft seem to constantly change things to get it going again if you have done so.  I've mentioned this privately to some, but did you know in amongst all that CEIP does in W10, it also records keystrokes?

cheers, Aus



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