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Jazz communication problem


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Hi all.

I have Windows 7 Pro 32bit OS.

Installed U90 Ladder as described in pdf Software system requirements.

Checked Run as admin, UAC set to lower level.

Go to Operating System, select COM port and CHeck os, communication works.

When try to download project, error occurs: Could not communicate...

Tried with to JZ-20 programming kit and USB-Serial Prolific adapter, and also direct with USB mini cable, the same behaviour happens.

Which can be the problem?

On the same machine I have VisiLogic which works without any problems.


Thanks in advance.

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What Model Jazz Controller?

What are the settings in the JAZZ for Serial Com?

      Info Mode

         Press I  Key for 8-10  seconds

             Left or right arrow to  System

               Enter, then   Left/Right to Com Parameters

                   Enter  then left/right

                         Baud Rate   :   9600  ( Default )

                         Data Bits  :    7

                        Parity :     Even

                       Flow Control :  N

                       Timeout  :   0.55

                        Restore Defaults  -- Ignore  unless above are different - Press enter to restore

                        I  Key   multiple times to back out to user screen


           The DB9 Dongle in the JAZZ Programming Kit is   MJ10-22-CS10         ( MJ10-22-CS25  will NOT WORK  with JAZZ )

         OS in PLC updated ?      -- Check That    ( Info Mode - Settings  )    Vx.xx   ( Bxx)    HW:x

        Try adjusting the   Time Out

        Can you Go Online and look at  SB and SI  Values?

       Is there a program in the PLC already?   Using  MODBUS By Chance  or a serial device?





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1 hour ago, DanT said:



What Model Jazz Controller?


What are the settings in the JAZZ for Serial Com?

As you mention below. 9600, 7,E,1

      Info Mode

         Press I  Key for 8-10  seconds

             Left or right arrow to  System

               Enter, then   Left/Right to Com Parameters

                   Enter  then left/right

                         Baud Rate   :   9600  ( Default )

                         Data Bits  :    7

                        Parity :     Even

                       Flow Control :  N

                       Timeout  :   0.55

                        Restore Defaults  -- Ignore  unless above are different - Press enter to restore

                        I  Key   multiple times to back out to user screen


           The DB9 Dongle in the JAZZ Programming Kit is   MJ10-22-CS10         ( MJ10-22-CS25  will NOT WORK  with JAZZ )


         OS in PLC updated ?    

Yes, os is updated.

  -- Check That    ( Info Mode - Settings  )    Vx.xx   ( Bxx)    HW:x

        Try adjusting the   Time Out

        Can you Go Online and look at  SB and SI  Values?

I can't go online right now.

       Is there a program in the PLC already?   

No, plc is new.

Using  MODBUS By Chance  or a serial device?

Not now. In the future there will be cinterion modem.



Thanks a lot. My answers is above, bold.

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  • MVP 2023

Milosh, just making sure that you installed  U90 using Right click/run as Admin?  

I assume your reference of " Checked Run as admin, UAC set to lower level." is the setting within Compatibility, that you have done correctly.  But if you didn't do the install as above, you might have comms issues.

cheers, Aus

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3 hours ago, Ausman said:

Milosh, just making sure that you installed  U90 using Right click/run as Admin?  

I assume your reference of " Checked Run as admin, UAC set to lower level." is the setting within Compatibility, that you have done correctly.  But if you didn't do the install as above, you might have comms issues.

cheers, Aus

Yes, for sure. I tried a couple of times. No succsess.

Tried to reinstal U90, also USB drivers but it's not work.

Change a lot of Mini USB cables....

I can check OS, and there seems that communication is good. But when I tried to download, all sections are greyed out.

And after that comes error message. Pictures attached.


When closing U90 Ladeer always popup message pic 3 attached  comes, is that normal???




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5 minutes ago, Ausman said:

If you meander around everything under Controller/M90 OPLC settings, what works? 

Only check OS and update OS work.

How did you update the O/S?

I can update OS, and I do that.

Have you tried a full reset?

I tried to reset from Info menu on PLC. Right?

Have you got the Cinterion ladderwork present in your program?

No, there is simple pulse bit which activates output.



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I think that there is some problems with windows. I tried on another machine Windows 7 pro x64, same situation.

Than I tried on my host machine Win10 pro x64, and everything works fine, also with both, usb mini cable and mj20-prg and usb converter.

I suspect that some Windows components, updates are not compatible with u90 software.

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  • MVP 2023

M$oft has very annoying habits of changing things, (seemingly for no reason!) that upset comms....especially serial devices and their drivers.  Have you tried using an older version of U90?

Also, for a bit of useful knowledge, have a read of this post which has some tips.


cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

You are most probably running into a 64 bit Windows issue.  U90 is written in Visual Basic 6, which is very unpredictable with 64 bit Windows.

I'm running Win 7 32 bit on most things I program with.  

11 hours ago, Milosh said:

But I lose so much time with this...

Trust me, I feel your pain there.  Try setting up an Allen Bradley RS Logix 5000 / FactoryTalk View 10.0 system if you really want to spin your wheels and not get paid for it....


I very rarely use the Jazz series - it's just too much extra work for the price difference.  If you're an OEM that needs to save money on every single system then it's a great little solution, but I figure the real cost of my programming time is $60 per hour.  One day of screwing around trying to make the "economical" solution work blows the cost savings out of the water.


Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

Milosh, a really annoying thing to be going through.  I agree with everything Joe says, particularly the time wasted bit.  But it also sounds you are a bit like me, always wanting to find the reason for something happening....it just nags away in the brain.  Sometimes I have to give up, though!

I know you have probably tried this, but wondering if it might be an A/V issue?  My A/V sometimes needs tweaking on Unitronics stuff, it occasionally  doesn't grant correct rights.

Also, in your working W10 system, use the Device Remover program I referred to, find the actual drivers that are in place and see if a bit of "driver adjustment/copy etc" might help. 

Try U90 on a totally different W7 computer make etc? 

cheers, Aus

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2 hours ago, Ausman said:

Milosh, a really annoying thing to be going through.  I agree with everything Joe says, particularly the time wasted bit.  But it also sounds you are a bit like me, always wanting to find the reason for something happening....it just nags away in the brain.  Sometimes I have to give up, though!

Yes I agree withsentence #3 :)

I know you have probably tried this, but wondering if it might be an A/V issue?  My A/V sometimes needs tweaking on Unitronics stuff, it occasionally  doesn't grant correct rights.

I turned off AV on host machine, on guest I didn't have AV. Also Firewall disaled :)

Also, in your working W10 system, use the Device Remover program I referred to, find the actual drivers that are in place and see if a bit of "driver adjustment/copy etc" might help. 

Try U90 on a totally different W7 computer make etc? 

Tried. No success.

cheers, Aus

Thanks a lot all the people who read/write posts. Maybe somene, one day find solution :) 

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17 hours ago, AlexUT said:

Hi Milosh,

It seems that problem is in TAPI service of Microsoft.

Please follow next link and change service status to Manual or Disabled.

*Stop service then change service start option.

Update us if this helps or not.



Service is in manual...

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