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Snap I/O connection with Vision

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  • MVP 2023

On forum is present topic  about  self made ribbon cable used for connection of expansion modules in two rows.

If in your application used only standard  input and output (no HSI or HSO or analog I/O) maybe this type of connection is possible.

But it is not recommended in application with VFD or another EMI sorces.

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  • MVP 2023

I've also successfully extended the expansion cable with a standard Cat 5 Ethernet cable. Note: extended, not replaced, as the pinout is different between the expansion cable and an Ethernet cable - you have to use an Ethernet coupler and a straight-thru Ethernet cable and make sure the direction is correct per the labeling on the expansion cable.

And as Joe suggests, these modifications are problematic in high noise environments.

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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

not approved by Unitronics

No, not at all.  In fact, Unitronics will firmly tell you not to do it.

This reminds me of another thread on the forum where people are complaining because their SD card extension cable is causing issues.

If you're hacking something with non-official parts, you are on your own.  Not that I'm discouraging hacking.

Joe T.

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