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What am I doing wrong in trends?!

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I've tried severel values without any differences.

°C units = Thermocouple with current transmitter 0-1000 °C 4-20mA

Pa units = Differencial pressure transmitter 0-1500Pa 4-20mA

Yes, the values are linked to analog inputs with live values. It is a working system and I still don't understand why it happens 🙂 despite of I've done severel unistream projects with trends, data tables, email and so on.

I am confused now :D


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On 7/22/2020 at 1:13 AM, Saragani said:

Can you save-as the project, then delete all ladder code, and all other HMI Screens (and all the things that are irrelevant), and leave only the Data Sampler?

Then you could share the project because it does not contain anything secret.

There's a reason we ask for the project file.  It's difficult to troubleshoot a more complex object like a Trend without it.  This thread has been going since Monday, and I'm sure you're frustrated.

Post your Data Sampler information for the Trend.

Joe T.

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On 7/23/2020 at 2:33 PM, Daniel_EWW said:

Do you have an SD Card inserted? Each Data Sampler has a global data struct. You can look at the status integer of the data sampler if there is an error.

(Enlosed a trend printscreen without inserted SD card)


Sorry for my late! I was on a new project launch and I didn't have any freetime either energy to reply 🙂

Yes, I've inserted SD card. This is the first step after unboxing (it is necessary to update firmware what is my step 2)

By the way I've just noticed a strange thing: is that normal if Sample Interval value equel to 0 in spite of that I set it to 10 seconds at the data sampler preferences?

You can check it in this print screen:  (You can also see the live values of the analog inputs)



On 7/23/2020 at 11:43 PM, Joe Tauser said:

There's a reason we ask for the project file.  It's difficult to troubleshoot a more complex object like a Trend without it.  This thread has been going since Monday, and I'm sure you're frustrated.

Post your Data Sampler information for the Trend.

Joe T.

I'm also attach the project file!



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On 7/30/2020 at 5:17 PM, louisgermain6 said:

@@balazs.tarro-HUN I resolved it by forcing an update of the PLC firmware. I also had some problem to send mails. 

After the update everything got back on track.


Hi Louis, 


I'm using UniLogic V 1.29.111 and I have the latest firmware. How do you mean to forcing an update? Need to start the procedure again? I'm just doing some logic to send emails. What are the issues?


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Hey @balazs.tarro-HUN

Last week I had the same issue with the trends and another one sending mails. I contact the support to have some informations about it. Figured out that they didn't knew why I the sending mail status was always remaining to 0. But then they suggested me to force the update of the PLC. You can force an update going to unistream management in Unilogic and by clicking on remote update. I'm not 100% sure that it will resolve your problem, but it resolved both of mine.


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On 8/3/2020 at 9:05 AM, louisgermain6 said:

Hey @balazs.tarro-HUN

Last week I had the same issue with the trends and another one sending mails. I contact the support to have some informations about it. Figured out that they didn't knew why I the sending mail status was always remaining to 0. But then they suggested me to force the update of the PLC. You can force an update going to unistream management in Unilogic and by clicking on remote update. I'm not 100% sure that it will resolve your problem, but it resolved both of mine.


I've just done forced update. Did not solve the trends problem 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi every body, i had the same problem,  i did this:

downloaded the examples.

put this example in my plc


it did not work

then a update again my plc ( it was in the lastest version but i did again), this  time  with remote update,


after this, the trend worked,

and finally i downloaded my project




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