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Visilogic - Some inputs locked at <0>

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Hello everyone!

I'm currently working on a new project with a V350-TR34 and it's been giving me some issues to get going. It's a relatively old PLC we had lying around (I estimate between 4~6 years of no use) that we're currently resurrecting.

On startup, it presented a black screen and beeped frequently, which was solved by rebooting the OS through visilogic. Now that it's working properly, after transferring a program, we're met with another issue regarding the inputs.

Most of them currently display, during online test, "0 <0>" as their value and can't be changed within our panel/circuits. We have only 2 available inputs that properly show just "0" and can be physically changed to 1.


I've tried searching the forums or the web for a solution, but I'm at a loss here. I suspect it has something to do with this particular PLC needing the OS reboot, but I haven't faced this issue in any of the previous V350s I've used in the last 4 years.


Does anyone have a clue about what's going on? Thanks!

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  • MVP 2023

This looks like what happens when you FORCE an input while online with VisiLogic.  I thought that was cleared out with a PLC reboot, but perhaps I'm mistaken. Go online with VisiLogic, click on the Input, RIGHT-click in the popup window on the grayed out button labeled SET, then click Cancel Force.

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  • MVP 2023

I think if  two worked inputs is  I14 and I15 - then you maybe has npn input type configured via JP3.

And maybe you try to send PNP signal to NPN logic input. You send 1 and npn logic offer "1" when input is at "0" state.

Please check JP3...


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12 hours ago, Flex727 said:

This looks like what happens when you FORCE an input while online with VisiLogic.  I thought that was cleared out with a PLC reboot, but perhaps I'm mistaken. Go online with VisiLogic, click on the Input, RIGHT-click in the popup window on the grayed out button labeled SET, then click Cancel Force.

Ah, that was indeed the case. It's been a while since my last Visilogic project, so I didn't recognize the force indication. It's pretty weird, though, as the program uploaded in is fresh (hasn't been uploaded to any PLCs yet) and the V350 was recently factory reset, but oh well.


Tyvm Flex!

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  • MVP 2023

I was sure that I'd seen a tickbox somewhere that lets forces be saved as part of the program. 

I'm currently sitting on 9.8.65 and in hunting around through Properties etc I couldn't find anything.  I'm wondering whether it might have been in older versions and has now been dropped.

I remember at the time pondering the merits of forces being saved and decided against it.  Then again....it might have been another maker entirely!   🤪

I do hate the "M$oft double triple negative" way the Properties tickboxes work in Messages, which might possibly be the reason for the odd behaviour.  They often still catch me out.  Marvin would be very proud of such an arrangement.  And if you don't know who Marvin is, he still comes up close to the top on goggggling.  Amazing......what a literary genious Douglas Adams was.

cheers, Aus 


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