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visilogic-v130 RS485 communication

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Hey all, I'm new programmer in visilogic IDE and my device is v130-33-TA24.

My program purpose is to communicate via RS485, 9 bits to receive data from device.

I initialized COM1 and set protocol Send&Scan by the connected device protocol. but nothing is show on screen(I've linked the received data into number on screen).

I add some pictures for description. 

I'll be  glad for help :)

COM1 initilze.PNG





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  • MVP 2023

Also please explain rung 2 some more.  If you're receiving data, why is there a send?  Which is likely upsetting the scan as well.

FYI, for anything like this, I always perfect what I need to do using the PC first. Once that is working perfectly, you can then transpose things into the PLC much, much easier.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

Also, I'm not sure MB 1 is necessary (all the configuration and initialization will take place immediately before the program executes the next rung). What you might need is for SB 41 to SET a bit and use that bit (direct contact) to initiate your communication, with a RESET of the bit at the end.

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  • MVP 2023
12 hours ago, Gabriel Franco said:

I use Function In Progress as a condition to SCAN block.

That is correct. Use SB 41 to SET a bit. Then use a Direct Contact of that bit, followed by an Inverted Contact of the Function in Progress bit, then your communications, then a RESET of the first bit, similar to below:


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Hey all, thanks for your replies.


I succeed to check the message transmission by rs485 9 bits(Some string).

But I wonder if anyone can explain me how to send, by specifically protocol commands a 9 bit of data.

For example,  I have an 11 bit of payload:

0, 10 -for STA and STO.

The ninth else for data and another bit for address.

How can I, via protocol FB, send that? 

Every single cube in the protocol message is a regularly  8bit-1byte? Even though I changed it to 9 bit at the com init?


Thank you all,




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