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VisiLogic 9.8.80 lost graphics

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  • MVP 2023

I just had a very disturbing event happen. When saving a large and very graphics intensive project in VisiLogic 9.8.80, all of the graphics have disappeared. Every HMI screen still exists, but they are all blank. The ladder logic appears intact. Anyone had this happen? This is a first for me in almost 15 years of VisiLogic experience. Any suggestions for recovery?

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Anyone had this happen?

Yes, there was something similar, and it was in one of the versions above 9.8.65. I made a rule out of fear of losing what I had worked on - to start every day with a version of the program one unit higher than yesterday. That is, 001, 002, and so on. I always have a previous version with the ability to repeat the changes that are documented on paper for the latest version.

As for restoration, it is worth trying to find a backup of the project that is saved automatically during operation (it has the same name and the version of the database as an extension at the end). It is worth trying to rename it to vlp and open it with VisiLogic.

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  • MVP 2023
12 minutes ago, kratmel said:

Yes, there was something similar, and it was in one of the versions above 9.8.65. I made a rule out of fear of losing what I had worked on - to start every day with a version of the program one unit higher than yesterday. That is, 001, 002, and so on. I always have a previous version with the ability to repeat the changes that are documented on paper for the latest version.

Yes, I do this too. However, this particular update was completed in a single day so there was no incremental backup available.

14 minutes ago, kratmel said:

As for restoration, it is worth trying to find a backup of the project that is saved automatically during operation (it has the same name and the version of the database as an extension at the end). It is worth trying to rename it to vlp and open it with VisiLogic.

This is created when opening the project in a higher version of VisiLogic. Unfortunately, I never tried to open the file with another version, so there is no backup available.

I only lost a few hours work, not the whole project, but this is still very disturbing to me. I had emailed the faulty file to my customer and fortunately he requested an additional update today before trying to load the file onto a working system. When I started working on the additional update was when I discovered the problem. I checked the file that I sent him via email and the problem existed there and not just on my local hard drive. I also checked the file on a different computer with the same result.

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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, kratmel said:

Something like this is appear if  i try open  vlp project created in this 9.8.65 version on my PC.

Yes, .152 corresponds to 9.8.65. Any 9.8.65 project opened in a later VisiLogic version will have the .152 project created which is just a backup of the original project in case you subsequently save it in the later version without a name change.

1 hour ago, kratmel said:

But if i try to delete 152 file, it is not appear after second open in Visilogic 9.8.65.

I just tried that and a new .152 file was created. Not sure why that doesn't happen in yours. I was using VisiLogic 9.8.80 to open the 9.8.65 file.

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  • MVP 2023

When doing ongoing work on anything important, I routinely run it as 2 names I pingpong b/n.   XXXXa & XXXXb.   Doing a save after every compile once I complete each step.  Sometimes only a few minutes apart. And I also try to remember to occasionally restart Visi as well.   But I know how easy it is to get in a groove on something and forget to do all of this sort of thing. 

I've often referred to the old program Datakeeper from PowerQuest being the best thing ever, but I have never found a good equivalent that works on modern OSs.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
35 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

I was using VisiLogic 9.8.80 to open the 9.8.65 file.

I make this project on my second PC were the same 9.8.65 installed on Win10. Then open this on Win7 with 9.8.65 --- 1.152 file appear.

Both PC has the same Visilogic installation sorce.  

After i try to delete 1.152 and 

1 hour ago, kratmel said:

it is not appear after second open in Visilogic 9.8.65.

P.S. I try to read Bug reports....

In 9.7.24 fixed for Samba

Certain issues relating to application size, including images,
have been fixed

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  • MVP 2023

Well, I'm kicking myself. I repaired all the damage yesterday and thought everything was fine. I opened the project up this morning and the same thing happened again. So this time I checked the HMI after each change and saved under a different name. Every step of the way I checked and saved, then finally got all the changes done and no missing graphics. What the heck is going on? Is this some sort of quantum mechanical thing - it only happens if I'm not looking at it?

Here is the projected memory map of the completed project:


Not even close to running out of memory.

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  • MVP 2023

Maybe it is useful to send working and damaged project to Creators?

Enhanced Vision supports up to 255 HMI variables per display, can this rule be broken?

3 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Is this some sort of quantum mechanical thing - it only happens if I'm not looking at it?

I think that "Save" function and "Save As" make different result when project has many grafics on Display.

Save rebuild original project file, Save As - create new one.

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  • MVP 2023
46 minutes ago, Gabriel Franco said:

Some time ago (I don´t remember Visilogic version) I had a similar issue. If I remember well, my solution was to restore all system images (project | system images menu) then download again the project

Just to clarify - the graphics are gone from VisiLogic, not the PLC.

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  • MVP 2023

Flex, wondering if you have date issues/battery issues on your PC.  Can't see how it might affect things, but perhaps.......

Incidentally, (and perhaps not coincidentally) last night at a site I had an odd naming thing happen which I'm going to explore later today to see if I can repeat it.  I renamed a vlp direct within the folder it was in, and on opening it was called the original name in the menu bar. 

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  • MVP 2023
13 hours ago, Ausman said:

Flex, wondering if you have date issues/battery issues on your PC.  Can't see how it might affect things, but perhaps.......

Nearly new desktop PC that is never powered down. It only gets rebooted when MS decides to update. Never had a date or time issue.

13 hours ago, Ausman said:

Incidentally, (and perhaps not coincidentally) last night at a site I had an odd naming thing happen which I'm going to explore later today to see if I can repeat it.  I renamed a vlp direct within the folder it was in, and on opening it was called the original name in the menu bar. 

How certain are you that VisiLogic actually opened the file you renamed?

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  • MVP 2023

I haven't been able to replicate what happened.  What I suspect I did is get 2 running instances confused.  I usually run instance 1 doing a particular plc, and no. 2 running another.  But I think that when starting, I opened the 2nd unit's file with a double click, and W7 always uses the first instance as the one for any open via file click.  So I was perhaps re-naming things that were already open on screen.  I do remember getting "program is already running" popups and puzzling over this until I sorted out the instances, and somewhere in this process the hiccouph occurred.   It resolved on closing a visible instance and stopping a hung instance and then doing things correctly.

On the Datakeeper front I again had a look around the web and found a little program which supposedly works the same way.  I'm going to try it out and will advise.  Every other "modern replacement" I've tried doesn't work the way I want/the way DKeeper did.  But I'm sure there's something out there that does, I just haven't found it yet.

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On 10/10/2022 at 2:56 PM, kratmel said:

Yes, there was something similar, and it was in one of the versions above 9.8.65. I made a rule out of fear of losing what I had worked on - to start every day with a version of the program one unit higher than yesterday. That is, 001, 002, and so on. I always have a previous version with the ability to repeat the changes that are documented on paper for the latest version.

As for restoration, it is worth trying to find a backup of the project that is saved automatically during operation (it has the same name and the version of the database as an extension at the end). It is worth trying to rename it to vlp and open it with VisiLogic.

If you use Microsoft one drive folder to save your projects, then usually it is possible to restore to previous versions of the same file, one drive creates copies every time the file is modified, and it is easy to manage.

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  • MVP 2023
On 10/11/2022 at 11:06 AM, kratmel said:

Maybe it is useful to send working and damaged project to Creators?

Yes.  We can't solve this one kicking it around on the forum.  Definitely open up a support case, especially if you have seen it happen multiple times.

9.8.80 is an evil revision - it's the one that causes my computer to boot loop until I do the "Delete vlp_auto from the Registry" thing.  Have you tried a newer revision of the software like .94 or .96? 

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023
On 10/16/2022 at 1:42 AM, Joe Tauser said:

Have you tried a newer revision of the software like .94 or .96? 

No this was a software update for PLCs in the field. Updating the software revision would require a firmware update that I don't want the customer to have to contend with.

I have managed to complete the update without further problems. It required me to check the graphics after every small edit before saving. Doing it in this way prevented the problem from materializing for some unknown reason.

On 10/16/2022 at 1:42 AM, Joe Tauser said:

9.8.80 is an evil revision

Indeed it is. I will not ever voluntarily use that version.

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