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Hi ;

What is the PLC Model?

Do you know what version of VisiLogic was used to program the PLC?

     Older Versions are still available for download and use.

   If you do not know what version was used.

          Get the OS  Information   from   Info Mode, or    Connection - Get OPLC Information

                 Ask   Support@Unitroncisplc.com  what Version of   VisiLogic was probably used. - obtain it and install it.

                            Modify the program ( Original that you worked from  -- NOT the new   one you just did - will not be compatible)






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  • MVP 2023

Guus, my take on your post is that you got to the point shown by Micapp, and then the procedure failed.  Is this correct?

Take note of everything everyone else has said already, and please answer the questions asked.

I have experienced issues that I haven't had time to resolve, with Windows versions upsetting the ability for the os update to run properly on my main PC.    Points to note on this:

1).  Depending on your plc model, to do the update you will likely be needing to be online through port 1, with the grey  MJ10-22-CS25 cable linking the PC to the plc.  At present the only way I can do this is with my W7 laptop that runs a dedicated serial port.  Note that my main PC on W10 does have a native serial port, but Windows has done something to break the OS update process which used to be OK.  

2).  If you are using a USB to serial adapter, it must be a Prolific chip.  One based on the FTDI chip does not work properly for some reason.  Have a read of this topic.  I don't know if the very last comment works or not.


cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

There's another option - that I haven't personally tried, but should work - is to create a CLONE file on an SD card using VisiLogic and the correct firmware associated with that version of VisiLogic. Then load the clone on the PLC via INFO Mode. The PLC should then have the latest firmware and the program loaded.

Of course, the OP has never volunteered the PLC model, so it may not have an SD card slot.

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