There are a few posts with similar issues.
you may need to try a few different USB sticks.
give a look at this topic and maybe follow the link at the bottom.
so yes i had an older version of unilogic installed not sure how but we digress.. it now says i need to update firmware on plc and to save firmware onto usb stick formatted to fat32 Done. now says update failed unknown error I'm bloody pulling my hair out with this thing....
Hi All
Thank for the help, Unitronics has advised me that local tags can not be viewed online.
I have now created a struct with all the tags and called it through a function in, into the UDFB.
This works great.
have you tried to update the firmware on the PLC?
maybe you should force an update even if it is not looking for it.
is it possible that the PLC has a newer firmware to the unilogic version you are using?