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greml1n last won the day on June 1 2022

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  1. Hello, I have an inquiry into support for this but figured I would post here also. I just upgraded a modular Unistream (USP-156-B10) from version 1.24.21 to 1.34.78 and now get an Invalid Serial Number message when controller reboots. The CPU is in stop mode also. I am able to enter Uniapps and toggle to run mode but my customer will not have access to Uniapps. I appreciate any help in advance, Thanks
  2. I just had the same experience today with stuck initialization and removing SD card did the trick
  3. I have made an inquiry to support but figured I would ask our knowledge base here. I am trying to enable the password for user app import/export in UniApps. I entered a password of proper character length in Password section of Unilogic and used Download All among other options but it doesn’t work. It allows import/export and doesn’t even prompt for password. Anyone else experience this? 1.32 Firmware being used
  4. I assume the CPU was faulty as I checked CPU connections (not much to check). Recently had another facility getting the same issue, swapped CPU there and problem also went away
  5. I have similar issues with some Unistreams. I would get the “CPU lost communication” error message. Obviously the modules,would not boot when this occurred. Some power cycled reboots would eventually solve the issue but in some instances the customer would be rebooting 5-10x before the modules would boot. Tried upgrading firmware, didn’t help. Then I systematically swapped each module with no success. Swapping the CPU did solve my issue in those circumstances though.
  6. I have found that via VNC, once you enter 1 character in the pop-up keyboard you can then use your PC keyboard to fill in the rest of the password without any visual indication of the rest of the password
  7. When I go to PID manual mode the PID calculation stops and I can store the manual value into the appropriate analog output. To avoid the calculation from using the last PID CV when toggling back to auto I use the force error integral function to make that transition more fluent. Very early Unilogic firmware versions allowed you to write a value directly to the PID control output but that was changed.
  8. Currently have an email in to support but figured I’d try here too. I have been experiencing the CPU Error message occasionally on a couple Unistream 15”. Customer says it’s happened 4x over a few months. It would be great to know why it happens but it seems pretty random. I was wondering what the sequence of operations is when it occurs. There are the three choices of reboot, ignore, or switch to run mode. What mode is it in when the message appears? I would assume stop mode but Pump still runs in my application. Is the Unistream awaiting a choice of the three options or will it eventually revert to stop mode after a certain time? All of my firmware is correct with the Unilogic software btw. The two units that have been exhibiting this error are using version 1.28.34 and 1.26
  9. Try going to project in the toolbar. Then options. Then try unchecking ping on discovery
  10. I do not allow user access to Uniapps. Long ago I inquired about guest access to Uniapps where certain selected functionalities could be allowed.
  11. I see that there is an email configurator widget to edit where emails get sent. How about a widget to configure e?mail account settings so a user can change configuration without reprogramming through Unilogic
  12. I would like to allow someone to edit their panel IP, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS through the HMI instead of UniApps. I provided IP address edit boxes on the HMI and linked them to the appropriate functions and unchecked the read only box. It doesn’t work, the addresses revert to the ones in UniApps. Am I missing something?
  13. I recently bought the gateway and want to know if anyone can recommend some type of Bacnet simulator to test it. Thx for any and all replies
  14. I had the same issue when I tried deleting. A reboot of the PLC cured it if I remember
  15. Is Wi-Fi still on the "to do" list?
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