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Everything posted by Flex727

  1. "No Application" means there is no software in the PLC for it to run. Was the battery removed? If not, it may have failed. How old is the PLC? The battery typically lasts about 10 years. You will need to find the original .vlp file or a file that was saved to an SD card.
  2. Fail detection is inherent to 4-20mA. When the input sensor is at minimum value, you should see 4mA. If there is a fault (broken wire, broken sensor, etc), you should see 0 mA. Your V200-18-E2B module has 10-bit resolution, so you should see a value between 204 and 1023 in the MI assigned to the analog input. In your ladder code, just look for a value that is outside of that range to trigger your fault detection action. I would give it a little margin for error (maybe 190-1030) and also include a short timer to avoid false positives.
  3. Ausman, I believe you can transmit a maximum 200 registers with a single MODBUS command. That doesn't appear to be an issue here.
  4. MODBUS TCP/IP? Code is the software you're running in the PLC (screenshots of the relevant ladder logic or best would be posting the .vlp file) There is a vector length associated with the data exchange with the slave. That vector length in your case should be 23 MIs (each MI is 2 bytes).
  5. Are you transferring all 46 bytes to the slave? Does the extract Struct exactly match the collect Struct? If so, then what PLC are you using and what communications protocol are you using? If you post your code here we can be of better help.
  6. I think the point is that the button does not get released because it no longer exists on the HMI screen. No release can happen if it's no longer on the screen. This is normal for these kinds of things. A similar thing happens when you are calling a subroutine that has a direct coil that is activated by some condition or bit. If you stop calling the subroutine, the coil remains on regardless of the activation condition.
  7. Displaying an integer on screen uses "implied decimals". Near the middle of the Numeric Variable above you'll see a setting for the number of decimal places. In the picture above you'll see 2.1 (look just to the right of "Base Format:"). If you want to display a 3 digit number with 2 decimal places, you would use 3.2. The number 26451 would be displayed as 264.51. By doing your linearization from 0-100 for the 0-10 volt analog input, you don't have to multiply by 10 to get one decimal place of precision. Feel free to ask more questions, if needed.
  8. Change TE 4 in rung 9 from a Positive Transition Contact to a Direct Contact.
  9. You're certainly going about this the hard way. Use a linearization function block to linearize MI 11 to 0-100, placing the result in another MI. You can then show the voltage to one decimal place using an HMI numeric display. If you want two decimal places, linearize from 0-1000 instead of 0-100. There is no need to use an MF here.
  10. You have 4 sockets available and you can initialize them to any of the available protocols. Simply initialize two of them to TCP Master, set up the port numbers correctly to match the slaves, and configure MODBUS for each. Be sure to check out the example projects for the recommended method to connect and transfer data and you should be good to go. You only need to multiplex if you require more than 4 Ethernet connections.
  11. Yes, my understanding of how the database number matches up with firmware version is likely incomplete. I haven't been able to obtain or create a table of firmware vs. VisiLogic version, but I think that would be useful. Regarding not being able to open your 9.8.31 saved program in 9.8.9, this is true but be aware that VisiLogic saves a backup of the original file when it opens the file in the newer version. You'll find it with the file extension changed from .vlp to the database number.
  12. VisiLogic 9.8.65 has the ability to zoom in on any PLC screen, even the V1210.
  13. Check out the example projects for the recommended way to execute MODBUS commands.
  14. Reset means re-boot and is equivalent to a power cycle. Re-initialize means reset plus erase all memory operands. Either can be performed from the PLC INFO Mode or from the VisiLogic Connection menu item. It's usually a good idea to re-initialize prior to (or immediately after) downloading a new program for the first time.
  15. Those questions were important. A third question: is your ladder in a subroutine? If so, is the subroutine being called in the Main Routine? If the answers are all "yes", then post your .vlp file here for additional help.
  16. @Marko, did you try having VisiLogic re-install the USB driver? Also, try using a different USB cable. Any USB-to-mini-USB will work.
  17. I just tried it again in 9.8.65 and realize now that I failed to select COM 2 in the INIT block. COM 1 can only select RS232, COMs 2 & 3 can select either.
  18. Are you 100% sure power flow is passing through the compare block, MB 10, & MB 12? Is your MODBUS block actually writing to the slave? I use the V700 frequently. There is no issue with the Store Direct function that I've seen.
  19. With all display issues I make sure the firmware on the PLC is up to date, then download a BLANK project, re-initialize, then download my working project. If you still have a problem, you will need to contact your distributor or Unitronics for any other available remedy.
  20. @swb311, the V700 PLC has a different ethernet module than the other Vision PLCs. Because of that, some of the system operands are not valid. Instead, there are ladder functions available to replace those system operands. As Simon mentioned, this all very well documented in the Help file.
  21. Have you checked out the example projects that come with your VisiLogic installation? Look for the file called "V700_Modbus_TCP_master.vlp".
  22. I checked this out in 9.8.65 and the problem seems real and still exists in this newest version.
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