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Forbide spaces chars and remove spaces chars

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I have a Samba sm43-j-r22.

I have two questions:

1. Is posible to forbide to the user to insert a string, that contains only spaces chars, in an ASCII String Control?

2. Is there a function to remove spaces of string at the beginning or at the end?

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  • MVP 2023

1) Use the Find String in String function block and search for ASCII 20h (space).  Then write logic to make them enter the string again if you find it.


2) The Find function will return a pointer of the space location.  You can use the Remove function to get rid of it.  You may have to let the functions loop a couple of times to find all instances of a space character.

Joe T.

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Thank you all for yor replies !

I will use find string function to remove spaces at the begining and at the end.

Only one more question, is there any SB that goes to ON when the user has finished of input a variable in a control? or is better to detect that the user has touched the ENTER key (SB 53) ?

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