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v1040 lost GSM modem connection after OS update

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is this a support forum or is a story telling website :)

well I tried to download some changes after a while on one V1040... visilogic asked me to update the controler OS because it was old and I did. that result a fatal error on startup, so i deside to update it again using usb cable and not network connection this time. During bin.lib update i accidentaly lost communication and from that point and on all went wrong. with Unitronics Support I restore the controler with the lettest system files, bin, boot and os. I download the project and after that the fatal error was back! 

I took out the battery to zero the memory becasue the project was not burned and starting again with out application I download again the project. the fatal erros was there again so I deside to give "some time to the air". turn off the power, let the battery in controller and I went for a coffee. 

and it works! after power up the plc it boot ok and is fuctional but not 100%. the GSM intigration which was connected on Port2 has no communication with the TC35i modem. the led in front of port 2 are blinking, the signal is good and when i call the modem answer. so i tought to change the port from 2 to 1, i made all the nessesary changes on the program, swith the modem cable to port 1 and download, reset and run the plc.

nothing! the problem still there.

from visilogic's modem services i cannot acces the mode.  it looks that com initialize doesn't work on power-up! 

the only thought that i cannot execute because i'm missing files. is to roll back everything. find visilogic v.9.8.80 where is the last project backup and all the plc system files that response to that but I don't have them.

So in long that's the story :) and I ran out of ideas.

any thoughts?


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  • MVP 2023

The big question here is:  Does the ORIGINAL project work ok?  On the ORIGINAL OS it was made for?

Part of your "story" implies that you don't have the original project, but how did you then do the mods without it?  The mods might be the cause of the issue.  Perhaps the original project is stored on the SD card if it has one.

cheers, Aus

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Hi Aus,

thank you for reading my story :)

the project was made for blank pages and works fine for 5 years. last mod with minor additions was at 20/12/20 and it was working fine. that's what I download again.

what is strange is that when i update OS (VCO00401044_V1040)over ethernet and had the fatal error, i roll back the os again via ethernet connection (VCO00401036_V1040) and it boot and had a sms from the PLC that it was LIVE again, and it was fully functional. 

that's why i thought that might need also all the system files updated and I proceed with USB cable! 

now i have the  20/12/20 that was funtional 100% on the plc. that's the file i still have a backup with Visilogic v 9.8.80

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, vken said:

what is strange is that when i update OS (VCO00401044_V1040)over ethernet and had the fatal error

The main question for you - why did you update the firmware?

Have you added an additional unsupported by 9.8.80 feature set, servo or VFD?

Maybe you just opened a project with a new Visilogic version and tried to download a 9.8.80 program to the updated PLC?


At the beginning of my work with Unitronics, I read a message from Flex that the most correct is to use the controller firmware with the version of the Visilogic program in which it was created and burned. To do this, Flex has a set of versions with the ability to quickly switch.

We must state the fact that developers are constantly moving forward, as they, like Henry Ford, could release the same model of machine (PLC) for another 20 years, but changes in the Visilogic environment need to modify something in the firmware - so the transition from the old program to the new version Visilogic and firmware must be justified and tested .

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you are right but i never thought that when got the new laptop to install the old software! 

I need also the bin and boot files that support the VCO00401036_V1040. and reload them all from the begining. doing that it might solve the problem.

but from where to get them?

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  • MVP 2023
6 hours ago, kratmel said:

At the beginning of my work with Unitronics, I read a message from Flex that the most correct is to use the controller firmware with the version of the Visilogic program in which it was created and burned. To do this, Flex has a set of versions with the ability to quickly switch.

Updating PLC software and firmware to the latest version needlessly is one of my pet peeves. One should never do this!

3 hours ago, vken said:

you are right but i never thought that when got the new laptop to install the old software! 

Software and firmware version control is critical when working with industrial components. Always check and never upgrade unless there is a critical need. Further, always keep a backup copy of any previous version before upgrading, if that does become necessary.

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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, vken said:

I need also the bin and boot files that support the VCO00401036_V1040. and reload them all from the begining. doing that it might solve the problem.

Those files come with the VisiLogic software installation. VCO00401036_V1040.UOS came with VisiLogic 9.8.94. All the files you seek are in VisiLogic installation folder, however, you just need to startup VisiLogic, confirm you can go online with the PLC, then have VisiLogic install the firmware.

15 hours ago, vken said:

the only thought that i cannot execute because i'm missing files. is to roll back everything. find visilogic v.9.8.80 where is the last project backup and all the plc system files that response to that but I don't have them.

Install VisiLogic 9.8.80 and you'll have all the firmware files you need. If you opened a 9.8.80 project with 9.8.94, VisiLogic should have automatically saved a version of the project with the file extension .1.154 (instead of .vlp). Change that file extension to .vlp and you have the previous version as it was before you changed to to 9.8.94.

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thank you all.

every mistake is a big lesson.

after trial and errors and files backup restores

Now I'm running visilogic 9.8.80 and system files are like these

V1040 (A)
O/S: 4.10 (20)
BOOT: 2.2 (53)
BinLib: 0-3.10(03)
FACTORY BOOT: 1.3 (06)

it looks ok but I still don't have gsm function. the port led still blinking like crazy and it looks that it doesn't initialize Com 2 as it should. 

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  • MVP 2023

I think in your case you should listen to the Ausman advice

And upload a blank project before uploading the original project, as stated by Flex in his post.

 As many gurus have said many times on this forum - it is almost impossible to break Vision PLC via software ...

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done that with out any success.
i will have a new modem in a few days to check again, the old modem is not responding to AT commands, so there is something to wait for. 


after loading a blank project the port 1 led is still blinking like there is data traffic, downloading back the original project, initializing  COM 1 or COM2 is not possible again.  

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I tried to do it without success. 

I connect it direct to PC Com port (once on desktop pc direct com port and once on laptop using usb-serial converter), from Visilogic's Modem Services I tried to do initiate it without success, Communication was not possible. i tried also from a serial terminal to command it without success again. 
I 'm not 100% sure that i did everything right because it's been a long time since I setup my last modem, but i think i did.

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  • MVP 2023

My only comment here is that W10 has somehow done something to running my com port on the m/board, such that certain actions in Visilogic like an O/S load and other programs usage of the port have stopped working properly.  I haven't had time to pursue the reason as yet as I don't do the actions needed very often so it can wait a bit.  I have W10 updating blocked but some things appear to slip through now and then as M$oft constantly change the way updates are controlled and done.....no doubt to counter all the people blocking things for some control over the process!

The relevant point is that after a few attempts at something that should have worked immediately and didn't, for curiosity's sake I shifted over to doing things on one of my W7 laptops, and things work perfectly.  (In writing this I have realised that at the time I didn't try things on the virtual W7 system on the same computer.....that must have been a severe brain fade day.  I'll first have a go at this method during tracking the issue.)

So...vken....it's a long shot, but have you tried using an older Windows system, just in case?

cheers, Aus

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  • 2 weeks later...

i did it but there was no change.
meanwhile the new modem arrived and I take the cables as they were on V1040 and i put them on a V350, I use a typical  test GSM example and everything works. 
i load that back to V1040 but looks that port 1 and port 2 are not responding to any initializing command. 



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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, kratmel said:

send visilogic project to suppot.unitronics.com

Typo - support@unitronics.com

Also, as I mentioned above, if you opened a project created with a previous version of VisiLogic, VisiLogic automatically saves the previous version. Check to see if you still have it.

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short story follows :)

<Burn "upload project"> with version 9.8.80, install 9.8.65 and update all system files to that version and plc run normally after that. I tried to upload with success with only a warning message at the end that you are trying to upload a project from a newer version. It work! and it looks functioning pretty well (for now). GSM is back on line! 
(exporting hmi screens failed at importing)

It looks that the problem is with BOOT files newer that 2.2.48. When having newer boot file the Siemens TC35i didn't initialize on any port.

meanwhile I tried and version 9.8.80 with OS 4.6.15 is also working with BOOT file 2.2.48... so I could let the project in 9.8.80.

thank you all,

lesson taken

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