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Hi, I´m trying to read the preset and current value of TD10 from a VISION 350-35-TR34 using a UNISTREAM US5-B10-B1.

From the address table I got that the address are 6910 (preset value) and 7310(current value)


To read those values I did as follow:


Where EQUIP1.t EST PRESET and EQUIP1.t EST CURRENT are INT32 variables. All other register reading works fine but cant make timer reading work, always get 0 value.

Any advice or help you could give me I will appreciate. Thanks in advance.


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Ok, thanks. To read TD10 preset I have to use the address C010h (49168), and to read TD10 current I need to use the address D010h (53264). Right?

Doing that still dosn´t work. I am missing something else?

Also, I am reading seconds? Or in wich format i am getting those timers values? Thanks

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  • MVP 2023
On 2/13/2023 at 1:58 PM, Marcelo said:

Also, I am reading seconds? Or in wich format i am getting those timers values?

Under the hood all Unitronics timers are 32 bit values of 0.01 second resolution.

Also, in hex TD 10 preset will be at C00Ah (49162) and current will be at D00Ah (53,258).

Joe T.

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