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I have tried on multiple PLC's (all V570's).

I have tried multiple cables.

At one point, I had 3 laptops side by side comparing com's, baud rate's and driver versions.

2 of the laptops would communicate with the PLC fine , the third does not.

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  • MVP 2023
12 minutes ago, Joe Tauser said:

So the computers are OK.

On one of PC used with Visilogic i must to delete COM port and restart PC with PLC connected.

After automatic reinstall port - communication is OK.

Something in PC use COM port in "hidden" mode.... !?! 

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18 minutes ago, Joe Tauser said:

Thanks for the detailed reply.  So the computers are OK.

The USB port on the V570 is connected to an internal USB to serial converter that is tied to COM 1 on the PLC.  If the PLC is busy talking to something on the RJ12 COM 1 port it will lock out the USB port.

Is this the case for you?

Do you have another PLC you can power up and test with your computers?

Joe T.

I don't think this is the case since I can communicate with other PC's just not this one.


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I'm with kratmel on this.

Time to dig deeper under the hood on that PC.  A device driver may be installed that is causing a conflict but doesn't appear in Device Manager because it's not plugged in.  It could also be outdated and you don't even know it.

Unplug all your USB devices and try this:

COMMAND LINE | To show hidden devices in Device Manager
  • Click Start>Run.
  • Type cmd.exe in the textbox and click OK.
  • Type set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 and hit ENTER.
  • Type cd\windows\system32 and hit ENTER.
  • Type start devmgmt.msc and hit ENTER.
  • When the device manager opens, click the View menu.
  • Click Show Hidden Devices.


Right-click all the ghosted devices and uninstall them.  

The Silicon Labs driver included with Visilogic may be outdated depending on which version of Windows you have.  There is more than one version of Windows 10.  This has happened to me and others, thanks to M$oft's incessant update policy.  Install this latest driver directly from the manufacturer's website:



Plug the PLC back in.  Let us know how it goes.


Joe T.

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And in amongst all that Joe and Kratmel are talking about, don't forget this post, which might be useful.  The link to the program I mention is still valid.  You situation might possibly be a case of Windoze always wanting to use the wrong driver, even though from what you say the "name" of the driver is the same across the 3 laptops.

cheers, Aus



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Good Morning!

I followed Joe's steps, no resolve.

I followed Ausman's link/steps, no resolve.

I'm going to give more information that may or may not be useful. The laptop I am having issues with is 3-4 weeks old. Part of the reason we purchased the new laptop was due to this communication issue (there were other issues, this was the just final straw). The old laptop worked fine communicating with multiple V570's for at least the past year (we ship around 20-30 per year). About 2 or3 months ago, it just stopped talking to the V570's (Error 207). I went through what I could find in the forums (everything above was new) but got nowhere and the approval was given to purchase a new laptop. Well, brand new laptop, same issue with communication with the V570's. All I am able to come up with, is that there is software conflicting with Visilogic.

Laptop One: Dell Precision (4 years old) -- Manufacturing Engineer -- Communication is fine

Laptop Two: Dell Latitude (7 months old) -- Controls/Electrical Engineer -- Communication is fine

Laptop Three:Dell Latitude (4 months old) -- Technician -- Communication is fine

Laptop Four: Dell Latitude (3 weeks old) -- Technician -- No Communication

We all run the same Windows 10 Pro. All running Visilogic 9.8.65. The technician laptops in theory have all the same applications installed (it's possible they don't though), the engineer computers would not necessarily have all the same applications as each other or the technicians. I am really hitting a wall here.

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maybe some next step help to find solution:

1) Try to use separate USB to COM converter and PORT1 of  V570 to run connection (V570 com port CS cable needed). This is for Visilogic installation check. Result?

2) Try to use short USB cable for V570 connection ( For test power +5V from Laptop to V570). Result?

3) (the same test as #2) Try to use USB hub with external power for connect USB V570  to Laptop. 

4) Try to change COM port # used by V570 USB-com driver in system and try to use com port # do not used by another drivers.

5) Last steps on video from DELL (2021)



P.S. Maybe it was only Win10  issue (update, antivirus, UAC, ect.)

P.P.S.   Try to go to V570 info mode and check  is it any information sended  to V570 when Visilogic try to connect.  You can check it on working and not working Laptops. 

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  • MVP 2023
8 hours ago, Jsalzy said:

We all run the same Windows 10 Pro

Definitely the same version?

My next suggestion which should have been earlier, Kratmel touched on.  A/V.  Have you tried disabling it whilst trying to connect?  Sometimes my A/V has given a false positive on Visilogic and restricts it more than normal before I intervene.

Pls describe exactly what you see happen in Device Mangler when you connect on the offending Dell. Try every socket available. Perhaps go in and delete that/those port(s) completely, reboot, reinstall etc and try again. 

I would also make a copy of the drivers etc that work in the other laptop that is most similar, and temporarily replace the offender's ones with them as  a trial.  I have needed to do that a few times..........it all should have worked but it didn't, the change cranked things up immediately.

Stay calm and collected.......it's a computer!   It only does what it's told.  But likely some M$oft or Dell boffin has stuffed something up that used to work fine.  It's not you.  However, if we eventually find that it is, we'll all come round and pick on you!  🙂

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

Another thing to look at is what is the port number in Device Mangler?  If you've got a lot of serial things on that laptop, perhaps it is high?  Try changing things around so that it is below 9. 

Desperation measures here, but it might help.

cheers, Aus

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