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Hi everyone !

I'm having some troubles with my PLC...

Just so you know, I'm not a pro, I'm more a little beginner in Network stuff. That's actually the first time that I'm working on it.

So I have a PLC V570 with a V200-19-ET2 and I want to connect my PLC to my PC.

I first asked the scientist computer an IP adress unused, the mask and the default gateway. Then I programmed my PLC (image 1). But it doesn't work, I can not connect them together, and I have the message on the image 2.  Plus, when I tried with the cmd.exe windows it wasn't working either (image 3, sorry it's in french but it says that it didn't reach the destination host, so it means that I'm not connected right ?).
Both, PC and PLC are connected with a Ethernet wire to the same switch (what I think is a sithc and not an hub).

I also tried to turn off both the firewall and tht windows defender but still nothing...

Oh and there is another PLC on which I can connect with my PC to without having any problems, without needing to turn off anything.

I'm starting to loose hope, can somedu help me ? Have you any idea where I did something wrong ?


Thank you,





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Once the program in downloaded you should be able to ping the PLC as you tried.

If you can't enter info mode on the PLC(place your finger on the screen and hold till a prompt appears, the password for info mode will be the default)

Select Ethernet and verify that the card is initialized and that communciation has been established(it's connected to the network)

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  • MVP 2023
46 minutes ago, JMorel said:

I tried with SB 2 and SB 142 but still nothing

SB 2 _AND_ SB 142? Do NOT use SB 142 here. SB 142 turns on when the Ethernet card is initialized. It will never activate the Ethernet card initialization function block.

Is your PC on the same subnet as the PLC (i.e. does your PLC Ethernet address begin with 192.168.100.xxx)?

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  • MVP 2023

+ to everything already said.

It sounds like you are in a location that has an IT administrator.   ("scientist computer")

Whilst you are learning this stuff, and to eliminate the possibility of the "scientist computer" person needing to do anything to enable the connection to work properly, use a crossover cable to directly link your PC to the PLC.  Run your own little ad hoc network on the same numbers.  If you don't know "ad hoc", a quick google (ad hoc networking) will point you in the right direction.

One you are communicating ok and have proven a few things to yourself, then go back to hooking into the main network.

cheers, Aus

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Flex727, no it's not the same. My PLC address begins with 192.168.100.xxx and for my PC it's  192.168.101.xxx, is it the problem (at least one of them ) ?

I'm going to try Ausman method after testing what Cam said.

Thanks guys, I'll keep you inform !

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8 hours ago, Ausman said:

Run your own little ad hoc network on the same numbers. 

Since I have my own network I can change the IP adresses to have 192.168.101.N for the PC and 192.168.101.N+1 right ?  I tried both, keeping the same numbers 100 and 101 and changing for 101 and 101 but still nothing.

And there is something else, almost everything that I'm reading says that ad hoc is a wireless network but I have to link the PC and the PLC with a cross cable (like you said) so it can't be wireless.

14 hours ago, Cam said:

Select Ethernet and verify that the card is initialized and that communciation has been established(it's connected to the network)

The Ethernet card is initialized and the Socket 1 is also initialized but not connected so I'm not even connected, whether it's the right network or the ad hoc.

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  • MVP 2023

Great that it is going for now.

5 hours ago, JMorel said:

almost everything that I'm reading says that ad hoc is a wireless network

I'm showing my age here.  Many many moons ago, I think in W95/98, a link like I suggested using cable was called ad hoc, and I still routinely call such a thing that name.  Perhaps incorrectly.  I had forgotten that these days the name seems to be solely directed at wireless....I guess cables are so  old school!

cheers, Aus

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1 hour ago, Ausman said:

 I had forgotten that these days the name seems to be solely directed at wireless....I guess cables are so  old school!

We still need the cables, they are not old shcool ! ^^


Anyway I "still" have a problem. I can connect my PC to the PLC but I'd like to send an email to my outlook email adress but I tried and I "still" lost.

I wanted to use 2 sockets :

  • one to connect my PC so the PLC would be a slave (that's working)
  • the other to send an email to the IP adress of the outlook server so the PLC would be master

Can I have 2 sockets with one Ethernet cable ?

How do I handle both ? How do I send this email ? Can I use the same email adress for the sender and the receiver ?

I think i have something not bad but I receive nothing (image linked).



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  • MVP 2023

You can have up to four sockets on a Vision.  But that's not your problem.

To use the SMTP protocol the mail sender must also be capable of SSL (secure socket layer) encoding to use outlook:


Almost all of the email services (gmail, etc) have gone to SSL which was conceived and implemented after the Vision product was released.

I have brought this up to the Creators and this is a complex problem that is not going to be added to the Vision OS.

So you can't send email from the Vision unless you have your own non-SSL email server.  You'll have to go to a UniStream if you want to send email this way.

Joe T.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi JMorel and all,

wondering how you progressed with this......

I've been unsuccessful with sending an email via hoist mail.com , the socket connects (ethernet card reader bit #22 = 23) and email status  MI52 =1 (in progress), but then =5 (incorrect "from" format.

Is this due to mail.com using SSL?.  

Has anyone got a fix for this without having to upgrade to  UniStream?.



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On 5/23/2019 at 3:09 AM, JMorel said:

Since I have my own network I can change the IP adresses to have 192.168.101.N for the PC and 192.168.101.N+1 right ?  I tried both, keeping the same numbers 100 and 101 and changing for 101 and 101 but still nothing.

And there is something else, almost everything that I'm reading says that ad hoc is a wireless network but I have to link the PC and the PLC with a cross cable (like you said) so it can't be wireless.

The Ethernet card is initialized and the Socket 1 is also initialized but not connected so I'm not even connected, whether it's the right network or the ad hoc.


Since you are using a internal (private) 16 bit IP block, set your subnet mask to this will allow your entire group of 65536 IP's to be seen by each other. Since these are internal IP's and not global, and they are behind your router; there is very little to zero security risk (unless you have something goofy in your router config.)

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