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Hi all,

I currently have 2x projects that require sms notification, one is a v1210 controller and the other a Samba.  My issues is the unitronics Australian distributor can only supply a 3G modem but that network will be phased out soon so I would like to future proof the installs.  Can anyone assist with a known unitronics compatible 4G GSM modem? 

I was looking at the below;


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Sam,

I will recommend to look for 4G cellular modem router.

Some models allow to send/receive SMS by HTTP ot TCP connection to Router.

You have to Google to find one suitable..

This will simplify your task.

You will not need any INIT options from PLC.

And at the same time you can send emails, etc.



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  • MVP 2023

Don't do it serially if you can help it.  Way too much pain.

See if you can get a Sierra RV50x-


Connect to it via Ethernet and set up port forwarding in it for the Unitronics ports.

In the US these work with any of the major carriers and we can get a static IP assigned to them, which not only allows email but gives us the ability to remotely log in to program and monitor the PLC. 

@Ausman - What do you do for this in your part of the world?

Joe T.


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  • MVP 2023

The few times I've needed this capability it's just been for simple basics and I've used a variety of modems.  Robustel M1000Pro was the latest.  However, they are all in the same boat as Sam's ask, in that they are 3G.  However, the 3G that I use (using Telstra) is not being phased out until June 2024, with other techs seemingly later than that due to slower rollout, so I have not been too concerned about changing things as yet.  My feeling is that there will be more and more suitable products surface as the needs arise.  And I feel sure that prices will come down...that Sierra looks great, but too dear for me to consider at present.

Edit add:  I have tried a few USR things over they years and sometimes they are great, and other times a right PITA.  I would be interested to know how it goes if it is sourced.  Incidentally, I source direct from USR.  Correction sorry, that is Wafer products.  USR I use aliexpress.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

One other thing Sam, static IPs on SIMS here is not mainstream.  If you are only wanting to send info out, then it is not that hard.  But if it is going to be a 2 way street, you will likely need to hunt one up from the specialist vendors, names like m2m One etc.

cheers, Aus

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  • 5 months later...

Hi All,

Apologies for reviving  an older post, however i am trying to get SMS and remote access working with a Teltonika TRB140, but I can't seem to init the modem.

It also does not seem to have any option for port forwarding. Should this just be a plug and play through Ethernet port for a V700?  Approached our distributor to buy a 3/4G modem but they didn't know about any Unitronics modems etc and said anything should work.  So got the Teltonika and it is not quite as straight forward as i initially thought.

I also saw this months email update from Unitronics says they have new 4G products. Should I ditch the Teltonika  and get a new Unitronics one for ease of setup and known compatibility?


thanks in advance,



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  • MVP 2023
5 minutes ago, T.Etheridge said:

Unitronics says they have new 4G products. Should I ditch the Teltonika  and get a new Unitronics one for ease of setup and known compatibility?

Probably.  Your time has value.

The new 4G modems were rolled out in the US on Thursday.  If you get one of those from your friendly neighborhood distributor at least you can get Unitronics Support to help you get it working.

Joe T. 

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I have recently been down the path of unsupported modems with Unitronics support and while fully understanding their position on supported only, its a frustrating exchange to get simple information. If you want to keep it simple, use the supported modem.

We use, (Based In Australia), Cybertec modems, http://cybertec.com.au/support.php , and have done with Unitronics for many years, they are super reliable. We use them with a closed APN on Carrier Telstra to provide easy remote access however Telstra will also provide a public IP on a Corporate/business account, it will change every modem power cycle but works.

I have recently discovered that Unistream inserts an extra CR/LF in an SMS string which is a bit annoying and I cannot get a non supported modem to start up to receive SMS due to incompatible init strings. Both these problems are mine and mine alone if I don't use supported modems, fair call for support but as I said, annoying.

I would LOVE to be able to easily build my own Modem definition without going to all the trouble of using COM TX /RX to make it happen but I cnt see that feature being made available.

Our clients love SMS as it is a solid back end message about remote site status, (WWTP), we use SNMP and email via a monitoring server but the solid old school SMS is the preferred medium.


The Cybertec 4G support 3G UTMS and LTE and can be set to either mode or Automatic and a re multi band as well.




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  • 1 month later...

Dear colleagues,

Regarding this topic, does anybody know how to build the frame or message via TCP to be sent to a 3G or 4G router to send SMS? I understand that this is possible with the "TCP/IP send" function in Visilogic, but if I am not mistaken, the message must contain a specific structure (user, password, destination number, message, etc) which may be different depending on the manufacturer.

Having a look at the unitronics router UCR (https://myzone-kza3sadj.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads//2020/06/UCR_User_Manual.pdf) I can't find this structure for the message.

Could you please help me?

Thank you and best regards.

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The SMS AT command set in a Modem is NOT generally available via TCP, however if you are referring to an API call to a Generic off site SMS server then that's going to be provider specific coding but.... Thanks for the thinking, I will be investigating this concept.






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There are number of cellular modem/routers allowing to use TCP commands.

Some use URL format.

It depends of model.

Unitronics introduced new Routers which integrated with UniStream to send/receive SMS.

See "Accessories" section of Tectnical Library.



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Hi, Thanks.

I have already asked for a Price. W

e operate a closed APN with the AU carrier Telstra so we can directly monitor many sites with SNMP and provide secure remote access for operators.

I really need to know I can get the routers to join the APN, I think that there will be no problems so I am excited to get one in my hands!




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/21/2020 at 10:35 PM, Ausman said:

John, in case you haven't found them yet, the info on these is squirreled away in the tech library under Accessories/Routers.  There were some minor spec errors on first release which may have been fixed by now, but I haven't looked.

cheers, Aus


Hi Aus...

Got my hands on a UCR-ST-B5-SA Router yesterday, kind of a misnomer as its really a modem but presented as a router with 4G Fail-over, so...Modem/Router, lets not be pedantic!!.

Anyway, the firewall and routing function is good and comprehensive, I was able to get it onto my closed APN with CHAP and NAT disabled  no problem and it was intuitive to open the Firewall to WAN side for remote config and admin.

Just programmed a PLC to send SMS, really simple worked straight away. Still not seeing a received SMS but will keep trying or ask support.

Small and neat package so far looks like a winner. Has some interesting SMS to email options yet t try.

Will keep posted, I am putting the 4G on Network monitor to see how stable it is.


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A few ongoing observations.

We have now had a PLC send SMS, VERY easy to do. We cannot receive SMS as we now discover that the AU carrier Telstra stores first message in location 1 and the PLC reads from location zero. Unitronics Support have been great and R&D are working on a fix.


More to come.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All...

My apologies to support and R&D for not updating.

I logged a case regarding not being able to receive SMS and had R&D in my environment within 2 hours... for 2 hours... as above.

The fix was published within 24 hours. I am VERY impressed and the new Router continues to do everything we want.

It took a short while to figure how to open the firewall for SNMP from the WAN side, (I am using a closed Frame Routed network) and a comprehensive Modem/Router help would be great to have.


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