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Hello All,

   I've got a V1210 controller and I've been using Visilogic 9.8.91 to look at an OEM program. This is on a Windows 10 box, running as admin, UAC off. I've been able to use ethernet Direct Connection to go online and view values. I've also modified the program and have been able to download to V1210. Things have worked fine. 


   Recently I've been trying to use UniOPC  Server and it has not been successful. Now, I'm unable to get online with the controller. When I go to Direct Connection, I get this error. I can ping the V1210 and others on the LAN.  I've ensured the cables currently work.


Is it possible I'm trying to go online with the wrong program that's currently loaded into controller? Just not sure why it was working and now isn't. I've power cycled V1210 several times, I've unplugged and plugged the ethernet cable. Checked SB 314 and it's not set.


I can post the program if that will help, too. Appreciate your time and help!


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  • MVP 2023

Hi Tri, welcome.

Please have a look at the following topic. It sounds like the evb file has been corrupted.


and also point 10 here which might be useful if this is the reason.


cheers, Aus

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Tested this out, has the same issue on my test PLC  this morning.

Found out I had an IP Address Conflict.  (There is another PLC plugged into the network with the same IP ( IP address is in a range we use to "Play/Test"  PLC's) )

Disconnect the PLC from the network and ping the IP Address the PLC was on.  Getting the returns? - got a conflict.

Test ping another IP Address, look for a free one.

Manually change the IP address in the PLC via Info mode( be sure to apply) and   then plug the PLC into the network and ping the new address.

 If good, then try the PLC Connect again. If good, then figure out who the other IP Address belongs to and  decide which one gets the permanent change.






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  • MVP 2023
19 hours ago, TriSeal27012 said:

Is it possible I'm trying to go online with the wrong program that's currently loaded into controller?

Just to add this little bit. Unitronics Vision line of PLCs do not check anything about the program, either loaded on the PLC or loaded in VisiLogic, before going online. You can always go online, whether with a different VisiLogic project, or even a blank one once you've established communications.

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2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Just to add this little bit. Unitronics Vision line of PLCs do not check anything about the program, either loaded on the PLC or loaded in VisiLogic, before going online. You can always go online, whether with a different VisiLogic project, or even a blank one once you've established communications.

As Flex pointed, Visilogic does not check program versions but it does PLC Name.

I suggest:

1. Using information mode from the PLC, verify its Ethernet options (IP, mask) as well as PLC Name.

2. Match those values with Visilogic Communication Settings and try Get OPLC Information.

3. Try another Ethernet cable and direct connection between PC and PLC

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   That file does not exist on my setup. I guess Visilogic doesn't use it? I went to your pinned threads and the one you created on Initialize/Reset got me to finally try that. I went to Info mode and did both. Sure enough, things got working after that. Appreciate your help!



    Did that but definitely not the issue. Thanks tho!



    Good to know and thanks for your help! This is my first time with Unitronics and I've enjoyed reading these threads.



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Posted too soon, LoL.

I was able to Direct Connect, etc. Made a program change to open up MODBUS, downloaded to the PLC. Same error when it came back up. I can still connect to the other PLC in the network. This time, INIT and RESET didn't do the trick.


@Ausman@Flex727This PLC in question is not the Master PLC between the two. Do you think that might have something to do with it?

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  • MVP 2023
6 hours ago, TriSeal27012 said:

That file does not exist on my setup.

It has to exist if you have anything listed in Visilogic under the Connection/Communication - PC settings/First tab TCP (Call) Project Settings.  But thinking about this as I type, perhaps the .evb doesn't  exist until you use Favorites.  Which might  be the issue.  So......  bearing in mind my next paragraph and the mention of possible port clashes, you likely should be using 2 different items within the Favorites area to be getting into either unit. 

Are your Master/Slave relationships using ethernet or Unican?  I'm assuming ethernet.  In that case, are you using a different port for both units?  Given the issue arises after you download something, it is possible that you've missed a correct number/setting in your inits and things are identical etc.  I'd be using info mode to look at what all units TCP...  parameters are when the issue arises.   This will likely show up the problem and allow correction.  Then make sure that your inits are correct for all units, and you have matching numbers and names in Favorites.

Sorry this is all a bit out of order and disjointed, but you'll get the idea.  Just quickly jotting down thoughts. 

Another quick PS....remember that the system will always default to 20256...which can be easy to miss.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

And a further PS.  Silly me just noticed the UniCan init in your screenshot.  If you are wanting to access this unit through the Master, (you've implied it's a slave) then you ONLY need the Master's login and net details, and the connection "separation" is done via the Within Network ID used.  Again using the same comms control area, you might be needing to use "Within Network (Unit ID) and only choose the (CANbus) numbers,  which refer to the number assigned to the Slave in your program. 

It can all be a bit confusing at first, and I can't tell for sure how you've got things set up, or want to.  But this method of connecting is essentially......   Connect to Master and it relays things to Slave over the UniCan connection.

So....another related question is what method is your Modbus using?

cheers, Aus

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Yeah I figured it might be having issues with the port. I initialized Socket 1 at 20365 instead. I also initialized a MODBUS socket. I am now pulling MODBUS values through an OPC server. Still can't Direct Connect or "Get OPLC values" button to connect error 210. Can still ping.

I'm posting the code if you guys don't mind taking a look. I appreciate your help with this.  @TozoM8    @Flex727 @Ausman@Gabriel Franco


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