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We're going to need some example projects quickly.

I couldn't get it installed on WinXP SP3 but it did install ok on my Win7 machine.




Hi, it should install on Windows XP SP3, so please contact out support for further help. We are intrested of knowing why install fails because it helps us making the product and the installer better,.

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  • MVP 2023

Thanks, HighTech. I tried to upload an image, but this forum is restricting me to a max file size of 11.04KB. I shrunk it to near unrecognizable and it was still 43KB. Perhaps you can pass along a few general tips or maybe Cara can explain why there is such a small file size restriction.

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Thanks, HighTech. I tried to upload an image, but this forum is restricting me to a max file size of 11.04KB. I shrunk it to near unrecognizable and it was still 43KB. Perhaps you can pass along a few general tips or maybe Cara can explain why there is such a small file size restriction.

Flex you can send me the image to ober.yela@imapsa.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot find any function within Unilogic for Alarms.


I also could not find any password protection for the program. I would like to be able to password protect certain ladder functions within the program to prevent release of any proprietary features within our program. Visilogic has this feature already so if it was copied over to Unilogic, that would be wonderful!


Does anyone know if I am missing either of these or if there are plans to add either feature in the near future? 

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Hi, the alarms feature has not been developed yet, but I know of people who have developed their own Alarms using UDFBs, Structs and Data Tables (and they also created the corresponding HMI Screens).

This feature is in the tasks list (so we haven't forgotten it).


The password protected program is another feature that was not yet implemented, but it's in the list

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Ofir, thanks for your prompt reply.

I think that the linearize option should be added to the properties window of the "Numeric box" command (As it is in Visilogic and U90).

It really cuts programming time and it's much more ergonomic.

Also it would be great if you add the formula command in the the math toolbox (As it is in Visilogic).

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Yes you are right, you will need to use the linearization included in the math toolbox in ladder and then show the result value on the HMI.

 Hi Ofir


Can you not do the linerization in the hardware configuration.

When you add an analog module can you give real values for the max and min in the hardware setup.





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  • 2 weeks later...

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