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First time using a 350. If I try to download the program I get a Send Binary Data Invalid property value. So I tried to update the PLC and I get run time errors 380 then 440.

Things I have tried:

-Complete uninstall and folder removal as per instructions.
-Multiple reboots
-Updating PLC had the errors above
-Prayed to the PLC gods
-tried a V700 and it works fine
-Checked my software version Version 9.8.65 Build 0
-Stopped yelling at my computer and talked nicely to my computer and the PLC
-Ran as administrator 
-Tried a different cable and USB ports
-Tried an empty program to send

I am out of ideas and open for suggestions


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  • MVP 2023

Quick thoughts, unlikely to help but worth a go.  Didn't see an initialise in there anywhere.  If that doesn't help, pop the battery for a while and then initialise etc. again. Also check the battery whilst out.  Does the unit have ethernet on board?  Try using that as well.

Good luck,


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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, viscoelastic said:

I put it in boot mode by the long touch then the double tap. When its there, communications can't be established.

Please check speed and settings in normal mode and try to change them in boot.

In  boot  mode my V570 connect to PC only in specific com settings. Maybe battery problem possible to. 

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  • 1 month later...


same issues here...win 10...run time errors and "sendbinarydata property..." error while downloading.

Using Samba 43J which has only USB port so no "serial converters" would help.

Interested in "long term" solution.


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  • MVP 2023
On 06/02/2018 at 1:46 PM, Joe Tauser said:

I've seen it on my system but I don't know what causes it.

Joe, have you toyed with "force" changing drivers around?  My understanding is that the usb port is simply feeding into the old serial system via a conversion chip hardmounted on the board.  Pls correct me if I'm wrong, but perhaps this is the issue here as we both know how troublesome USB to serial converter drivers can be, pretending to be PL2302.  It would be interesting for people to again use that driver program I pointed to, to see how many are actually on their systems.



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I think  solved issue here...

I uninstalled Silicon Labs UART 201x driver which was installed automatically for Win 10.

Driver version was 10.1 . Same driver is also present at SilLabs site as "win 10 universal".

Well, I downloaded and installed "older" version 6.7.5 (1893) from their site and this gives me no Run time errors on my Samba unit connected to USB port.

...so Joe T. was right...blame Win10 and driver..



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  • MVP 2023

Ensure you have told W10 to NOT update your drivers automatically, otherwise it will happen again.  W10 knows best for what your system needs......or so it thinks!  And I'd still be having a look at all the usb-serial drivers on your system and possibly deleting some.



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  • MVP 2023
On 3/9/2018 at 5:05 AM, Marko said:

Well, I downloaded and installed "older" version 6.7.5 (1893) from their site and this gives me no Run time errors on my Samba unit connected to USB port.

Thank you very much for posting your solution - I Guar-un-tee you won't be the only one to have this problem and this gives us a reference.

It seems these days we spend as much time troubleshooting computer problems as we do PLC questions.

Joe T.

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  • 2 months later...
15 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:


Had this problem again with the newest Win10.  The driver on the Unitronics website doesn't work.

Here's the driver-


Joe T.

Hey Joe--is this with a particular Vision/Samba, or across the board?

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