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  • MVP 2023

I'm sure there are many people on this forum who would like to help, but without any information it's impossible.

What method are you using to download - USB, serial, or ethernet?

Is this a new PLC and a new program you are downloading?

You said "download or upload", which is it?

Does this happen every time? Is it a new occurrence - were you previously able to download to this PLC?

Can you go online with the PLC?

Did you install VisiLogic "As Administrator"? Are you running VisiLogic "As Administrator"?

I'm sure someone else will chime in with additional questions - these are quick ones off the top of my head.

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54 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

I'm sure there are many people on this forum who would like to help, but without any information it's impossible.

What method are you using to download - USB, serial, or ethernet?

Is this a new PLC and a new program you are downloading?

You said "download or upload", which is it?

Does this happen every time? Is it a new occurrence - were you previously able to download to this PLC?

Can you go online with the PLC?

Did you install VisiLogic "As Administrator"? Are you running VisiLogic "As Administrator"?

I'm sure someone else will chime in with additional questions - these are quick ones off the top of my head.

Sorry, i will explain better,

Method used to download, is USB / Serial through a usb serial converter "trendNet" to a original serial rs232 cable;

The software was developed 2 years ago, plc have the same year old, maybe 3year.

We buy another one, a new v230 and i donwloaded the sabe application, and worked fine.

The Crash Report "picture attached" is showed at every up or download, on old plc, but in a new there´s no problem.

but on line monitoring working fine. 

Im the system administrator by my pc os, and visiologics too,  
I´ll attach the application's too.

Thanks for your Help!!


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  • MVP 2023

Ensure you are running Visilogic as Administrator.  (Drill down to Visilogic.exe in Program Files.  Right click and run as admin, or open compatiblity and set it permanently with a tickbox at the bottom)  See if that helps.

If not, increase your timeout.  Connection/Communication & OS/ first tab.  Defaults into 1 second.  Make it 3 or 4.

If that doesn't work, ensure you have the same baud rate in both the Comms settings and also Device Manager in Windows.

See how that all goes.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey @Ausman I've tried the steps you mentioned and still with no luck..

Still having this stack error:

Project: C:\Program Files\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Main\..\Data\DB\New_OPLC_16BT.ubf 
6/1/2018   12:20:24 PM
Function: frnFixIllegalTextImages
UPDATE ProjectImages SET ProjectImages.TxtImageFontSize = 0, ProjectImages.TxtImageBackColor = 0, ProjectImages.TxtImageForeColor = 0, ProjectImages.TxtImageFontCharset = 0 WHERE (((ProjectImages.TxtImageFontSize) Is Null) AND ((ProjectImages.TxtImageBackColor) Is Null) AND ((ProjectImages.TxtImageForeColor) Is Null) AND ((ProjectImages.TxtImageFontCharset) Is Null))"
"Project: D:\Unitronics\PLC program_Final.1.27 
6/1/2018   12:33:46 PM
           DLL:UnVsCon1 Class:clsDownloadSequence Func:prvErrorHandler ErrName:UnableToSendData ErrNum:-2147220096 
           Description:PLC reply - Error - (error 7) - Time-out value is probably too short.
Call Stack: 

I'd really appreciate your help so much.

Thank you!

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  • MVP 2023

I looked at your .vlp file and ran a Build->Compile.  It came back with "Illegal Number of Rise/Fall elements in ladder - 260". 

You're only allowed 256 transitionals in a V230. 

I don't know why the download was allowed before.

In the Main routine starting at net 19, you're using transitionals after a Display Loaded bit to trigger another display.  This is unnecessary, as this same logic can be embedded in the Links & Jumps tab of each display.   If you look at that tab on the Start-Up Display you'll see what I mean.

I recommend modifying the displays called by nets 19 .. 47 and moving the function keys to them.  Then delete these nets with all the transitionals in them.

Joe T.


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  • MVP 2023

I'm assuming you have a good connection to the PLC.  Does this work: Connection->Communication & OS->Get OPLC Information

 If you can't download an empty project then something is wrong on the computer side.  Try re-installing Visilogic -



Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

Be sure you re-install VisiLogic "As Administrator". That means right-click on the installation file and select "Run as adminstrator". Then after installation be sure your shortcut, under the Compatibility tab, has the box "Run this program as administrator" checked.

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Hey guys,

I tried this but unfortunately it's the same.. on a clean project it begins building, then sending hardware configuration begins showing Retry binary transmit - (error 0) for the retries count and finally fails.

Although PLC Communication screen works perfectly fine..

Is there any way I could have this solved? or I shall doubt the hardware?

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  • MVP 2023

OK.  We are assuming that your Visilogic install is OK being installed as Admin and also being run as Admin....not just by being the user logged on with Admin rights.....they are different....., and timeouts are large.  It looks like there is a comms issue that happens part way through a transfer.  (But the screenshot you are showing really really reminds me of NON-Admin issues!)

There is a chance that a driver issue for your usb converter is at fault here....is there any way you can try another converter (or a direct coms port)...preferably from a good maker like Shentek etc?

As you can do "Get OPLC information", in theory you can do an Initialise and Reset which is in the 2nd tab.  Do this and try again.

If it again falls over, again go into the communications window and select the 4th tab, click check and see what it brings up.  Make a note of the OS mentioned which might be needed later if the next stuff doesn't work.

Important:  The following suggestions relate to using Info mode, and a good guide to it's use is here:  


There are various bits of info on this page including a greyed area further down. 

1).  Go into Info mode and then go to System and scroll down until you get to the Serial port 1 settings.  Ensure they are the same as your PC's device.  See how that goes.  If it doesn't work, try slowing the baud rate down on both ends.

2).  As a final measure you can try fully erasing the PLC as you have your copy of the User Program.  Again go into info mode and using the instructions in the above page listed under System/Erase all PLC data, get into bootstrap mode and have your comms ready to roll.  Simply observe the display as instructed and connect at the right moment.

Let's see how that all goes.




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Thank you!

I will be testing this today!

One thing worth mentioning is that this PLC hasn't been programmed before, it's on bootstrap and I've updated its OS from 2.xx to 5.04, maybe I am not connecting at the right time.

I will apply your instructions above and let you know.

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, Mohammed said:

I've updated its OS from 2.xx to 5.04

Perhaps this is the real issue.  You might need to be thinking about using the O/S and Visilogic version that match the original plc/program.



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Ok.. so unfortunately this still doesn't work..

I notice that while downloading "even an empty program" Visilogic takes about 1 minute Waiting for Flash IDLE while on state "Set Password" then when beginning to Sending Hardware Configuration, it fails after several retries.

I'd really appreciate your help

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  • MVP 2023

OK, last attack for me. 

7 hours ago, Mohammed said:

when beginning to Sending Hardware Configuration, it fails after several retries. 

This still sounds like the plc is changing its comms settings during the process.  Have you forced the settings to standard on com 1 via info mode?

Are you on W10?  It may have changed your usb to serial converter drivers without you knowing it.  Put back in the ones it came with.  Do this anyway if on another version.

Have you added any cards?  And is the snap-in correctly and fully seated?

Ensure that the pins on the port are all OK.  I have seen pins bent through clumsy plug insertions that prevent proper contact.  You need fine tweezers/bent pointy probe and steady hands for this.

Some V230s can also communicate via com port 2, so try that.  Again, make sure com port 2 is set correctly, changing it if necessary via info mode.  If you have internal jumpers set to use it differently make sure they are set for standard 232.  I also haven't asked if you have an ethernet port on the units?  You could use that instead.

And does your user program have a com port init in it that alters port 1's behaviour?  Are your 27 plcs talking to each other?

I'm still not convinced that it isn't a fairly simple problem, but without being there in the flesh it is hard......and frustrating for everyone!

Probably time for another 230 to see if it does the same thing.



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I am on windows xp, and not using any USB adapters, legacy serial port, I brought that machine specifically to not to get into compatibility issues.

I've got a snap-in and an RS485 communication card, I've checked snap-in its well seated and so is the card.

I know it's so hard without being there.

I will request a different PLC and check this out... 

Thank you for all the help!

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  • MVP 2023
3 hours ago, Mohammed said:

I have an RS-232 port in my machine, I didn't use a converter.


On 4/26/2018 at 12:48 AM, danielcostandrade said:

is USB / Serial through a usb serial converter "trendNet" to a original serial rs232 cable

Mohammed, I had you confused with the OP, as your post seemed to take on from there.  Hence me...and possibly others... thinking you were on an adapter.

Have you throttled back/changed around in trial the FIFO buffers on the com port?



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/3/2018 at 7:49 AM, Joe Tauser said:

I looked at your .vlp file and ran a Build->Compile.  It came back with "Illegal Number of Rise/Fall elements in ladder - 260". 

You're only allowed 256 transitionals in a V230. 

@MohammedI'm late to this party, and I understand that all is well :)
I still wanted to address this:
In the VisiLogic Help, under the topic Positive Transition Contact ( Rise ), there is a sub-topic Decreasing the Number of Transitional Contacts--you may want to check it out.

rise fall.png

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