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I am familiar with Modbus and have used it before from a vision slave PLC to a Unistream Master PLC.

However, i now seem to be encountering issues when trying to communicate from one to the other.

The Slave PLC is a V570-57-T20B-J with an V200-18-E1B Module and an Ethernet card added in being a V200-19-ET2.

The Master PLC is a US5-B10-T24.

Is there a special way I need to set up the ethernet card added into the Vision PLC as I have copied program logic used previously on already in built ethernet PLCs to get an Modbus communication error showing on the Unistream PLC, Status 3 on the Unilogic software, meaning there is communication but the commands arent set up correctly.

And I cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with the Visilogic program.


As seen in the attachments I have the code for visilogic with MI0 Flow Test value linked to the screen to be able to manually change the number to see it on the unilogic program.

On the Unilogic program I am reading address 0.

All IP addresses and ID numbers etc all are aligned as they should be.

Any advice would be greatly appriciated.

Screenshot 2023-01-05 084604.png

Screenshot 2023-01-05 084936.png

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I have now tested this with a V700-T20BJ with no avail of communication between a vision slave and a unistream master, so I don't know what has happened since I last did this type of communication, but I cannot get it to work at all.


I have also tried unistream to unistream which is working seemlessly

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  • MVP 2023
24 minutes ago, Shahar said:

Hello, how do I do Modbus? I want to run an Omron frequency regulator model mx2. I would appreciate the pictures. I have no idea.

Assuming you're using VisiLogic, take a look at the example projects that came with your VisiLogic installation.

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2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

In rung 2 you are continuously calling the MODBUS Configuration FB. You need to replace SB 142 with SB 2.

I have tried this fix, and it gives me status 2 on the unistream PLC, that doesnt seem to fix my communication issue.

However i have noticed that a couple of times i have tried communicating the IP address is completely wrong as below.

The screenshot below is of that with the initial vision program i attached and not the fix you suggested

Screenshot 2023-01-05 160039.png

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Assuming you're using VisiLogic, take a look at the example projects that came with your VisiLogic installation.

When you install Visilogic, a whole bunch of example programs are also installed.  They can be accessed from the main menu under Help->Examples

If you want to take a look at the actual directory for the Modbus examples have a look here:


If you want more help on your Omron MX2, post a link to the manual describing the Modbus communication for it.  

Joe T.


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12 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

When you install Visilogic, a whole bunch of example programs are also installed.  They can be accessed from the main menu under Help->Examples

If you want to take a look at the actual directory for the Modbus examples have a look here:


If you want more help on your Omron MX2, post a link to the manual describing the Modbus communication for it.  

Joe T.


I found a friend, thanks, who asked how I make an emergency circuit with a reset

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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, Shahar said:

How do I build a ladder to operate this regulator through Modbus.    

1.  Look at the Modbus examples in the directory above to see how to use Modbus in Visilogic.

2.  Determine what you want to do to "operate this regulator".  Start? Stop? Control Speed? Ramp Speed?  You need to be more specific.

3.   Look at the Omron manual starting on page 281 to determine in the internal Modbus addresses you'll need.

4.  Try writing the program to achieve what you want.  When you run into trouble post your program (.vlp file)  here with specific questions.


Joe T.


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  • MVP 2023

Shahar please  note the comment in the forum welcome area.    "The forum is not the official Unitronics support channel - it is manned by volunteer users and sometimes gets visited by Unitronics employees". 

Your comment 

1 hour ago, Shahar said:

How do I build a ladder to operate this regulator through Modbus.

We are not here to write your program for you.  We get paid to do such things for clients.  As Joe says in his #4, you need to learn about Visilogic using the Help files and examples, and try writing things for yourself.  Many things are best learnt by trying basics on the actual PLC before going further.  We give advice on problems you might have along the way, but you have to do a lot of learning yourself.    

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