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MVP 2023
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Everything posted by kratmel

  1. Please explain is it 100 sensor need to connect to one panel or 25 panel with 4 sensor on V200-18-E3/4XB? Maybe modbus version of current sensor is cheapest variant. Even if you use something like that http://www.loreme.fr/fichtech/HCM d33_eng.pdf Analog version need 100 analog input... and minimum 25pcs V200-18-E3/4XB. Modbus has more than 100 address and do not need V200-18-E3/4XB. But as Joe explain, this task is not simple in both - analog or modbus version.
  2. Something like this with Modbus https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32977623982.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.29fd4687btW6qC&algo_pvid=40fea82f-c7a6-4431-b668-0b2e8cd0c535&algo_expid=40fea82f-c7a6-4431-b668-0b2e8cd0c535-33&btsid=60263821-ef36-474f-97f1-b2fdc5c9830c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_8,searchweb201603_52
  3. It is impossible for SM35 J R20. You need to use SM35 J RA22 or SM35 J TA22.
  4. SI 101 TCP/IP retries base time out Legal values are 1 to 10, units of 100 msec (1 stands for 100 msec etc.) Default value is 200 msec. Same value is for ALL 4 sockets Requires CARD INIT Illegal value request will be rejected (no change)
  5. I would add the following points: 1.1 Set the type of input signals PNP, NPN or ANALOG MODE (if input present or installed); 1.2 Set the mode of operation for ANALOG inputs (if confiured in p.1.1) 1.3 Setup communication RS232/RS485 or(and) CAN card and determine their mode of operation and termination. 1.4 Make foto for all components that is not in original factory configuration and foto of PLC and IO nameplate. 11 Setup NEW password for program or (and) info mode if needed (type this passwords in project with comment). 12. Fix on paper SN of panel and IO module, passwords, date of testing and programming, name of downloaded project...... ect.
  6. You do not need a special program to test. Please setup the connection to the pre-configured V430 PNP input. Use only 3 wires. A - HSC0, B - HSC1, GND - V0 ... The ecoder must be connected to the V350 and to the original system at the same time. +24V encoder wire connected only to original system. Please place on the screen the ML that is connected to the HSC 4x Shaft encoder input. After that, please place the Reset button on screen and the program one rung for clear ML to "0". Testing -> clear the ML, start the machine, wait for the stop in the programmed position, read the calculated impulse in the ML, write it on paper, repeat it, and you will see the same or different number of pulses.
  7. In manual for this controller (P8721) https://www.process-controls.com/Hirotronix/pdf/elgo/P85_P87_P88.pdf i see encoder monitoring function. In this case your test program calculated the same numbers as original controller. Now you try to program length on P8721 and this controller display needed length when metal stopped. But real length is not OK. Is it true? Maybe mecanical problem in metal sheet transportation present. Please check all motor, pulley, belts, coupling.
  8. In my opinion, the HMI controller term slightly reduces the concept of the OPLC. Now on the market, there are controllers (named HMI controller) that exclusively show on the big screen what PLC is doing now, however, they have nothing to do with the concept All in one. I would use the term OPLC to explain students the difference between the classic HMI connected to PLC and the concept All-in-One. For me Virtual HMI controller is sutable for new Unitronics product (Unistream without real HMI).
  9. Panel V430 has single ended 24VDC encoder input. Your encoder use two wire for "A", "B", "Z" signal == A, A- ; B, B; Z,Z-. This signal in standard encoder offer +5VDC level. Encoder nameplate parameter(model numbers) needed for correct answer what type of encoder output present. If outputs offer 24VDC level you can do the program and test encoder properly to see if A and B channels are working ok. If 5VDC - you must use encoder interface converter like https://www.kuebler.com/en/products/transmission/signal-converters/product-details/PW_1D-1D
  10. I'm not sure that it will be useful. But after an experiment on measuring temperature by SI 14 noticed that the SI 13 also reacts to temperature changes. however, it shows somewhat higher values. Maybe this is undocumented temperature channel (run on V1040) In order to get the temperature, it is necessary to operate with a SB14 bit. Therefore, the recalculation C into a F with one rung should not be a problem.
  11. Maybe this information is useful https://unitronicsplc.com/Download/SoftwareHelp/U90LadderKnowledgebase/Communications/MODBUS.htm http://support.elmark.com.pl/unitronics/PDF/MODBUS.pdf
  12. At the 1st you must read this two document https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra/manuals/printers/common/programming/zpl-zbi2-pm-en.pdf https://www.servopack.de/support/zebra/EPL2_Manual.pdf After that you must setup correct serial connection (see printer manual), run example on PLC and try to print some words. In you printer configuration control char 5Eh is used (see it in example Protocol block). But you Protocol configuration in file do not use any control character.
  13. Maybe this type of connector is useful in commisioning, but i do not use this type of connector in installation. There is a risk of damage to the PLC connector by applying some forсe to the adapter or cable. Especially in the presence of vibration. I usually use something like a classic adapter (MJ10-22-CS25 or the same). Which is fixed not far from the controller and connected to OPLC with a flexible, standard short cable.
  14. As i see in Visilogic section of Software Utilities download present Remote Access and Remote Operator, in U90 ladder section of Software Utilities only Remote Access present. Maybe someone on forum try to use Remote Operator (PC version) for M90?
  15. Remote operator not support M90. Supported Controllers: V350, V430, V700, V570, V1040, V1210, SM35, SM43, SM70
  16. Maybe USB to COM converter based on PL2303, CH340 or FDTI chip is needed and standard RS232 V570 programming kit cable ( i use MJ10-22-CS25).
  17. Maybe Samba with Protocol FB is the cheapest solution. But problem with testing - only one PORT present in Samba. I used isolated com card installed in Samba for that purpose.
  18. Why load cell is used? In typical cases this task looks like a winder. For its implementation, a dancer is used. Contact or contactless potentiometers are used to determine its position. This analog signal about the position of the dancer is used for the PID control.
  19. I would recommend that you do the following steps and explain the results: 1) try to connect the two devices that are left with a separate twisted pair (Terminated on both end). Result? 2) try to see what is transmitted from controller to vfd and in the opposite direction in info mode. Result? 3) try to use port 2 for communication (it is advisable to use an isolated version of the additional communication card). Result? 4) If it is possible to turn off only the power supply of the flowmeter, leaving it connected to the communication line. Result? 5) Add another "virtual" device to the system - the V350 in slave mode - self connected to you network. This is explaned in visilogic sample project. (However, you also need an additional communication card). Result? 6) Try to setup only VFD connection in program, Then add in program flowmeter reading only when all data from VFD is transmitted to OPLC. This is maybe strange idea, but if VFD connection is lost then no flowmeter readings subroting present, and no transmission to flowmeter can return transmission to VFD. Generaly you must build counter that count and allow to transmission all communication subroutings sequantally. Than you must read status off connection in step and if status is not OK after some delay you must go to next communication step.
  20. I discovered the following cable laws: 1) The new cable for the robot teach pendant will be damaged by the reach track during the first day after the installation. After some time, the possibility of such damage is significantly reduced ... 2) The same robot cable always twists in one direction and makes loops - people constantly walk in a circle in one direction :) 3) No matter how many cables are near your computer. They will still be twisted together very quickly. 4) When it is necessary to remove insulation from several conductors of the cable - one of them will be damaged.
  21. Please try to find RFC-1305 in help. Maybe is useful https://lastminuteengineers.com/esp32-ntp-server-date-time-tutorial/
  22. If communication OK when VFD is stopped - your parameters and configs is OK. Is it terminator (120 Ohm resistor) present on both side of the line? Please also see this topic
  23. Please Find MB64 in your program and post result to the topic.
  24. In old PLC external keyboard is interfaced by N-output = column and M-input = row. N x M keypad is worked in dynamic scan mode. In simplest configuration you must to use one input for one external button (expansion up to 128 input can be connected). Otherwise you must
  25. I have my own way of storing completed projects for a PLC - to send an archive with a file from my own mailbox to my other mailbox. The file remains in the folder in the mail sent and in the mailbox. The advantage of such a method is the availability of the two copy of project in an arbitrary place where there is an Internet connection. A thumb drives has already become such a number that I'm starting to forget where I recorded something
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