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Hi Everyone!

I'm a beginner to the Unitronics PLCs and I currently have V570-57-T20B-J with V200-18-E1B. I have got a used one, and when powering it on, it displays old programs therefore I would like to:

1- Erase old programs to start fresh and,

2- Would appreciate with any help to get me started with linking and communicating the PLC with Visilogic. I assume the miniUSB port is only for the sake of reprogramming and not initialising the PLC with new IP address, what would be used to set an IP?

Any help would be much appreciated! 

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, Khom said:

1- Erase old programs to start fresh and,

When you install a new program from VisiLogic it will erase the old one automatically.

4 hours ago, Khom said:

2- Would appreciate with any help to get me started with linking and communicating the PLC with Visilogic.

Just grab a mini-USB cable and plug it between your PC and PLC. You can install the necessary driver from within VisiLogic.

4 hours ago, Khom said:

I assume the miniUSB port is only for the sake of reprogramming and not initialising the PLC with new IP address, what would be used to set an IP?

Assuming you have a V200-19-ET2 module installed in the PLC, you can set the IP address either through INFO Mode or by ladder within the PLC program.

I heartily recommend reading through the Help file included with VisiLogic. It has most of the information that you seek. Also, there are example projects that came with your VisiLogic installation. Don't worry that many of the examples are for other PLC models as the programming is the same for all.  They can be very helpful. Unitronics has many webinars online that will walk you through the basics of programming Unitronics PLCs.

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Thank you for the response Flex727,

So I have powered up my HMI, connected a mini-USB to my computer and opened VisiLogic with one of the examples and would like to upload into my HMI. In Visilogic: connection > communication & OS > USB Installation > "Install USB driver" , showing the below



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  • MVP 2014

Have you tested comms after installing the driver?  I know those windows messages look concerning, but I'd just check and see if it's working.  Also try unplug/re-plug the USB and/or a restart of the PC

To check the comms:

Go back to the Connection -> Communication and OS dialog.

  1. Select COM3, 
  2. click Get OPLC Information


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  • MVP 2014

Try unplug/re-plug the USB.

Also try cycling power to the PLC.

Just while you are working with getting started, i would also try any example that is already written for the 570.  I see you have a V120 example opened.

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Hi Joe, just tried with the file you have attached, it gave the error in the first picture. I am able to get the OPLC information for a while only when I unplug and replug the power, and after a minute or two, it gives the communication driver error.

Second picture is when it detects it in the OPLC information.



Edited by Khom
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  • MVP 2023

Once you get the second picture, go to Connection->Download->Download.

As far as your communication problem is concerned, that fact that you sometimes punch through tells me the driver is working. 

I'd try a different USB cable first, and if that doesn't work get a Unitronics USB->Serial Adapter part number MJ10-22-CS35.  This will allow you to plug into Port 1 on the side of the PLC which is a more reliable way to talk to it.

If you go this way, don't go shopping for a generic USB-Serial converter as they don't work if they don't use the Prolific PL2303 chipset.  Plus the Unitronics adapter comes with the RJ12 cable you'll need.  I don't know what country you're in but they're not expensive from an actual Unitronics distributor. 

Edit - It doesn't come with the RJ12 cable.  You'll need that too - RS232-CB1.  My bad.

19 hours ago, Khom said:

I have got a used one

There may be an issue with the 570's onboard USB converter.  Like cracked solder joints on the connector.

Joe T. 

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  • MVP 2023

Another option, since you previously mentioned Ethernet, would be to obtain the IP settings from INFO Mode and attempt to connect using Ethernet. You may have to make changes, either to the PLC IP or the PC IP to force them to be on the same subnet.

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  • MVP 2023

Khom, did you do the Visilogic install using Run as Administrator?  Your issue MAY be related to not doing this properly.  Please see this post and do as directed if you didn't install correctly:


cheers, Aus

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Problem solved, thanks everyone.

Changed USB cable, did a Factory boot in Working Mode, went to info mode and switched PLC to Stop mode and hence updated the OS and not it works fine! Also to mention, previous program was protected by a password which I had to find out. 


Thanks everyone again

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