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PLC V570 Factory Boot "Boot error"

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Good day, I come to request your help with the following problem. Returning to the plant, we found our V570 plc with the following error screen.




Prior to that, it was operating normally and no modifications had been made. I have followed the procedure that I found in the forum:



As follow






But it always fails in step 3 "installation of PLC BOOT"




I have also disconnected the battery for 1 min, there were no changes.

Is there any other method to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance



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  • MVP 2023

Hi, if panel is new maybe best solution - replace it under warranty.

I found the same problem with V1040. I worked around this panel and do some test. At the test i used cooler and heater hardware for rectify chip with problem.

After step by step confirmation i found that grafic chip  is the main issue.

 If i cool this chip before panel start - i see BOOT2.2 in identification and BOOT load process started with succes.

 And after correct download of all firmware and project - panel started. After some time of normal work - the same issue happend.

I asked service for bga reballing grafic  chip. Process was prepeared via bga reballing machine.

After this panel sucessfully started with no issue. I load program and test panel in all possible mode. Problem solved.



Try to use older software (65 version for example) and PORT 1  (not USB) for firmware download.

Also try to download firmvare parts separately - in Advanced mode.

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  • MVP 2023
17 hours ago, Csoto said:

Returning to the plant

Does this mean it has been off for a fairly long time?   As in CVirus shutdown?

It shouldn't make any difference on this error, but did you actually check the battery condition and substitute a new one?  Just to make sure all the ducks are lined up properly.

And gee whiz, doesn't Kratmel persist in repairing something.  Well done! 

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

Thank you Aus.

As my professor taught me many years ago:  The device can be well repaired only when you have established exactly why it failed.

Therefore, this topic probably lacks a history of the conditions under which and how long the PLC worked before this problem arose. Especially in terms of preventing interference and overvoltages caused by the absence of RC on AC coil and diodes on DC coils.

As correctly noted by one of the gurus of our forum - Vision PLC is almost impossible to destroy by software - there is always a way to restore to working condition.

However, in this case, I suspect that something happened at the hardware level.

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On 3/5/2021 at 8:28 PM, kratmel said:

Hi, if panel is new maybe best solution - replace it under warranty.

I found the same problem with V1040. I worked around this panel and do some test. At the test i used cooler and heater hardware for rectify chip with problem.

After step by step confirmation i found that grafic chip  is the main issue.

 If i cool this chip before panel start - i see BOOT2.2 in identification and BOOT load process started with succes.

 And after correct download of all firmware and project - panel started. After some time of normal work - the same issue happend.

I asked service for bga reballing grafic  chip. Process was prepeared via bga reballing machine.

After this panel sucessfully started with no issue. I load program and test panel in all possible mode. Problem solved.



Try to use older software (65 version for example) and PORT 1  (not USB) for firmware download.

Also try to download firmvare parts separately - in Advanced mode.

Hello, thank you, the equipment is already 3-4 years old, the warranty is no longer an option. Sorry, but I don't know what "cooler and heater hardware" refers to.

I tried with the version of Visilogic 8.0.1, for others the website tells me that I should send an email to support, I will. Regarding the connection, 
I have been using the USB-MINIUSB cable and seeing the comments I understand that I should be using “Port 1” with a USB-serial cable for this purpose, 
is it correct?

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  • MVP 2023
7 minutes ago, Csoto said:

I have been using the USB-MICROUSB cable and seeing the comments I understand that I should be using “Port 1” with a USB-serial cable for this purpose, is it correct?

No, you can use the USB-MiniUSB cable to connect to your PLC for Firmware update. Just be sure you have the correct driver installed from VisiLogic.

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On 3/6/2021 at 10:21 AM, Ausman said:

Does this mean it has been off for a fairly long time?   As in CVirus shutdown?

It shouldn't make any difference on this error, but did you actually check the battery condition and substitute a new one?  Just to make sure all the ducks are lined up properly.

And gee whiz, doesn't Kratmel persist in repairing something.  Well done! 

cheers, Aus

Hello, no, it has been operating for the last 3 years almost non-stop, the failure was noticed the day after it happened. 
Changing the battery is also in the plans, I haven't done it yet, but I will. I appreciate the advice.

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On 3/6/2021 at 3:49 PM, kratmel said:

Thank you Aus.

As my professor taught me many years ago:  The device can be well repaired only when you have established exactly why it failed.

Therefore, this topic probably lacks a history of the conditions under which and how long the PLC worked before this problem arose. Especially in terms of preventing interference and overvoltages caused by the absence of RC on AC coil and diodes on DC coils.

As correctly noted by one of the gurus of our forum - Vision PLC is almost impossible to destroy by software - there is always a way to restore to working condition.

However, in this case, I suspect that something happened at the hardware level.

Hi, thanks, because it had been operating without changes or problems, I also suspect that it is a hardware problem. But first I want to see if it is possible to solve it via software, since if it is hardware, the solution is more complicated and beyond my current skills.

On 3/6/2021 at 3:51 PM, Joe Tauser said:

Those were the exact thoughts I had.  I am not familiar with BGA reballing so I Googled that up.  Wow - that is not a skill I have.


Joe T.


Thanks, as I see its the solution that would require more skills
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On 3/7/2021 at 3:54 AM, AlexUT said:


Change communication Timeout to10 sec and test again.

What USB-to-Serial converter model do you use?



Thanks, I'll try 10 seconds. I have been using a USB to MiniUSB cable via MiniUSB port.
On 3/8/2021 at 3:12 PM, Flex727 said:

No, you can use the USB-MiniUSB cable to connect to your PLC for Firmware update. Just be sure you have the correct driver installed from VisiLogic.

Thanks, when the program indicates "COM 1", does it specifically refer to "COM 1" on my PC?


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  • MVP 2023
26 minutes ago, Csoto said:

Thanks, when the program indicates "COM 1", does it specifically refer to "COM 1" on my PC?

The COM 1 that Unitronics is referring to is COM 1 on the PLC. COM 1 on your PC is different. The driver will choose a COM port on your PC and you should use that. The COM port number on the PLC and the COM port number on your PC are totally unrelated.

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  • MVP 2023

In your screenshots in your first post, the Communication - PC settings shows the PC port that is user specified.  Match this up to what comes up in the PC's device manager during connecting the PLC.  Given that some comms appear to be going on anyway, I don't think this is the issue, but check.  As Flex says, ensure correct drivers are in place on your PC, installed via Visilogic.  Again looking at the same screenshot, this ability is within the far right tab with the USB symbol.

3 further thoughts if the above doesn't get things going.

It's occurred to me that as this is a 570 perhaps you have an issue with a snap-in.  Is there one fitted to the unit?  If so, check that it is completely "homed" into the main body.  Remove it and check pins condition.  Put it on and off a few times to "wipe/clean" the pins and socket.  I recommend putting some strips of gaffer tape across the joining seams to ensure it stays properly located.  There are ways to modify the housings to use screws for this job, if your skills are up to it this method will be obvious, otherwise the tape.

If there is a snap-in, have you tried the updating without it fitted?

You are implying that your skills may not extend very far, but I feel sure that you could remove the back panel (not the snap-in), poke around internally and disconnect/reconnect anything you can find that is a ribbon or pin insert.  I don't know 570 internals but this could also mean removing some screws here and there to get even deeper into the unit to disturb more connections.  There might just possibly be a bad one somewhere that this will fix.  Especially if the environment of the unit is perhaps affecting it somehow.  Humidity, vibration etc.

Simple things worth trying, but perhaps won't help at all.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

Also ensure that the baud rate etc is set the same within Device Manager on the PC.  I have had times where I've needed to set this manually for things to work.  In theory a progam manipulates the comms parameters to what it wants, but sometimes this doesn't work properly.  My first port of call when comms don't work on anything is to manually set the Device Manager settings to what the program wants to use.  In this case the settings that are in your first picture, 115200, 8, N, 1

cheers, Aus

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2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

The COM 1 that Unitronics is referring to is COM 1 on the PLC. COM 1 on your PC is different. The driver will choose a COM port on your PC and you should use that. The COM port number on the PLC and the COM port number on your PC are totally unrelated.

Thanks, is what I imagined. But I have not managed to identify the COM1 in V570, is COM1 the PORT1?

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45 minutes ago, Ausman said:

In your screenshots in your first post, the Communication - PC settings shows the PC port that is user specified.  Match this up to what comes up in the PC's device manager during connecting the PLC.  Given that some comms appear to be going on anyway, I don't think this is the issue, but check.  As Flex says, ensure correct drivers are in place on your PC, installed via Visilogic.  Again looking at the same screenshot, this ability is within the far right tab with the USB symbol.

3 further thoughts if the above doesn't get things going.

It's occurred to me that as this is a 570 perhaps you have an issue with a snap-in.  Is there one fitted to the unit?  If so, check that it is completely "homed" into the main body.  Remove it and check pins condition.  Put it on and off a few times to "wipe/clean" the pins and socket.  I recommend putting some strips of gaffer tape across the joining seams to ensure it stays properly located.  There are ways to modify the housings to use screws for this job, if your skills are up to it this method will be obvious, otherwise the tape.

If there is a snap-in, have you tried the updating without it fitted?

You are implying that your skills may not extend very far, but I feel sure that you could remove the back panel (not the snap-in), poke around internally and disconnect/reconnect anything you can find that is a ribbon or pin insert.  I don't know 570 internals but this could also mean removing some screws here and there to get even deeper into the unit to disturb more connections.  There might just possibly be a bad one somewhere that this will fix.  Especially if the environment of the unit is perhaps affecting it somehow.  Humidity, vibration etc.

Simple things worth trying, but perhaps won't help at all.

cheers, Aus


36 minutes ago, Ausman said:

Also ensure that the baud rate etc is set the same within Device Manager on the PC.  I have had times where I've needed to set this manually for things to work.  In theory a progam manipulates the comms parameters to what it wants, but sometimes this doesn't work properly.  My first port of call when comms don't work on anything is to manually set the Device Manager settings to what the program wants to use.  In this case the settings that are in your first picture, 115200, 8, N, 1

cheers, Aus

Previously I installed the USB driver and it operated without problems until the failure occurred. And as for the configuration for serial communication, I have it as indicated:


And it works fine until step 2 of the installation of "Binary Library version".

I have opened the equipment in search of stains due to humidity, corrosion, etc., nothing strange at first glance. The only additional it has is the ethernet module, I will try disassembling it. Greetings

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  • MVP 2023

I have had the Firmware update fail before more than once. In every case I just kept retrying until it succeeded. If it fails several times in a row, and you're sure you have good communications (confirm or re-install the driver, replace the cable, etc) and you have removed any extra modules (Snap-In, Ethernet, etc), then it's likely you have a hardware problem. Contact your distributor and see if he can help or contact support@unitronics.com.

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  • MVP 2023

The firmware update operation involves the serial connection "shifting gears" between different baud rates and frame types (think ASCII vs RTU) and often the developers of the USB to serial drivers leave out some of the connection modes they deem unnecessary.   This is why some USB adapters don't work with Unitronics.

17 hours ago, Csoto said:

Previously I installed the USB driver and it operated without problems until the failure occurred.

I've experienced Windows 10 updates that have rendered the USB driver inoperative.  The version of the driver that is bundled with Visilogic is whatever was current at the time of the build.  Go into your Device Manager and determine the manufacturer of the USB converter.  It's a relatively simple Google exercise to get the latest driver directly from the manufacturer's website.


Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

I've experienced Windows 10 updates that have rendered the USB driver inoperative. 

+1.  This aspect of W10 infuriates me. 

M$oft fiddle around with "improvements" or fixes that really achieve nothing except create huge issues for users who have a perfectly ok system.  "We've found a flaw in our internet connection methodology so we'll change the way your device that connects directly with a serial cable works." 

That's why I've given up on using it for many things...I have other puters dedicated to different tasks.

cheers, Aus

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17 hours ago, Joe Tauser said:

I've experienced Windows 10 updates that have rendered the USB driver inoperative.  

<OffTopicMiniRant>  Windows10! One of the updates killed the ability for me to use a headset microphone on my desktop PC. I spent a few hours trying to work out fixes, updated drivers...then gave up, Too much of a time sink, easier just to use another device (phone, tablet, laptop...) Very annoying, though.

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