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Gabriel Franco

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Everything posted by Gabriel Franco

  1. PROTOCOL SCAN block must be running in a different way. I use Function In Progress as a condition to SCAN block.
  2. One way I´ve used is to load a screen with a fixed text (empty) covering the entire screen, setting black as border and background color, adding to the fixed text element an action (Last Screen on Press).
  3. Check rise/fall summary after compiling your project. It would be rare you have more than 1023 in Samba, but, just in case.
  4. As you are initializing Socket 1, it could overwrite the default port number (20256). So, try using port 20257 in PC communication settings.
  5. As Flex pointed, Visilogic does not check program versions but it does PLC Name. I suggest: 1. Using information mode from the PLC, verify its Ethernet options (IP, mask) as well as PLC Name. 2. Match those values with Visilogic Communication Settings and try Get OPLC Information. 3. Try another Ethernet cable and direct connection between PC and PLC
  6. As you can connect remotely, check SI9, also take a look to SB16, SI40, SI41 to verify touchscreen and LCD operation
  7. I cannot download your file. Browser reports it as dangerous file. May you upload it again zipped?
  8. Hello all. Is there a way to get the current week number (1 ... 52/53) of the year ? Thanks
  9. Here: https://www.unitronicsplc.com/Documents/UniStream/Remote_I_O/UniStream-Remote-I-O-User-Manual.pdf
  10. I did that long time ago, but don´t remember the exact operand, I guess you must set SB 31 after load the screen.
  11. You may also try restore system images under Project | Sytem images menu, restore all system images to default, then download a blank project and then your project.
  12. You already set limits to output in FeedPump_Controls screen. PID_Run_Param_2 should be retained to keep its values at power-up. Missing value set to PID_Config_2.ProcessValue, so basically you has not PV defined in your PID block.
  13. I would use FTP to receive CSV files from a FTP server on your network to each PLC. Then convert those CSV files to UDTF to be able to use it in your process. Look at COM: FTP in the toolbox.
  14. There are two functions you can use: Test Bit (to test specific bit on an integer tag) and Num To Bits, to convert integer to bits.
  15. There is a tag named Frequency.Frequency 1 (s) you can use with NO contact
  16. You can use inverted contact of "General.Ladder Initial Cycle" as a condition to store from your HSC to a global tag.
  17. Look at Help and search Interrupts immediate. There you find related information. I´m not sure if your selected HM+PLC will be able to handle that functions.
  18. Yes you can, thise Samba model comprises two RTD/TC inputs. https://www.unitronicsplc.com/support-technical-library/
  19. Puede intentar usando la función MODBUS #6 (preset holding register) en lugar de la #16. Algunos dispositivos esclavos no pueden procesar todas las funciones MODBUS
  20. You need set jumpers for current analog input and current analog output, did you?
  21. CopyMemory reads 4 consecutive addesses (long type). Column defined as Timer needs 4 bytes (integer type). I don´t remember the reason I read 4 long registers to read timers, but it works.
  22. I´ve read timers from datatables using VBA in Excel using this code: Call CopyMemory(resultLong, DB(lAddress * ElementSize + 23), 4) resultSingle = resultLong / (24 * 60) resultSingle = resultSingle / (60 * 100) Workbooks(NombreArchivoDatos).Sheets("Referencias").Cells(lAddress + lRowReadIndex + 2, 4) = resultSingle Workbooks(NombreArchivoDatos).Sheets("Referencias").Cells(lAddress + lRowReadIndex + 2, 4).NumberFormat = "[hh]:mm:ss.00" lAddress and ElementSize depends of RAM address of specific datatable you want to read from PLC.
  23. If you use CopyMemory function to get data directly from PLC memory address, then use PtrSafe in declaration of module: Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
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