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  • MVP 2023

You can substitute any month you want into this.  I actually found it last year. 

I guess it can relate to anything, even though it was Cvirus specific at the time.  Hmmm.....I think I should change it to 2020, 2021..........

cheers, Aus



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On 4/2/2021 at 6:41 PM, kratmel said:

Maybe first memory card... :)

I remember seeing a memory device similar to this at my first mentors workshop back in the mid '70's

It was an archaic thing at that point, but I seem to remember that the memory bank included inductor/cap/resistor circuits that "remembered" their last logic state, and transferred that with some sort of FIFO logic.

Crazy thinking back in those days, but we wouldn't be where we are without it....  😵

Now, what happens when you throw one of these in front of a young'un?


I still have my first TI-35 scientific calculator that I bought in the '70's....

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  • MVP 2023

Kratmel's card.......I'm still gobsmacked when I see a TIF card with 512GB.  I point out to blase youngies how much separate stuff is actually crammed into that tiny space, and they still don't really seem that amazed.   How times change.  And let's all remember this is the stuff that's available off the shelf, not hidden away in some development lab.

John's sliderule....There was a fantastic episode of "Utopia" here in Aus a while back.  An older guy was brought into the office and was checking out project costs he thought hugely excessive, in no time at all.  Did it all with a sliderule, much to the amazement of all the resident experts who would normally take months to do it. If you haven't seen Utopia, it's a satirical look at Govt bureaucracy's fascination with meaningless crap, whilst actually achieving little work.  So much variation in concepts episode to episode, they have to have info from actual offices in the first place!  And the imitation of govt project promotional material is so spot-on.


cheers, Aus

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12 hours ago, John_R said:

I remember seeing a memory device similar to this at my first mentors workshop back in the mid '70's

It was an archaic thing at that point, but I seem to remember that the memory bank included inductor/cap/resistor circuits that "remembered" their last logic state, and transferred that with some sort of FIFO logic.

Crazy thinking back in those days, but we wouldn't be where we are without it....  😵

Now, what happens when you throw one of these in front of a young'un?


I still have my first TI-35 scientific calculator that I bought in the '70's....

Slide rule!!!!

Regarding calculators--in the 70's, calculators existed in Brooklyn. We were allowed to use them, but they were expensive and many of us in high school did without. Those who had, shared them.

In my physics class, my classmate Heath invented a novel method of cheating--passing calculators with the number of  the question, getting it back with what he hoped was the right answer (no, I didn't participate--I preferred to fail, if fate would have it!).

(I still remember that teachers opening riff, as soon as everyone sat down on the very first day of class: 'if I drop a baby and a locomotive out of this here window, which is gonna hit the ground first?')

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59 minutes ago, Ausman said:

Kratmel's card.......I'm still gobsmacked when I see a TIF card with 512GB.  I point out to blase youngies how much separate stuff is actually crammed into that tiny space, and they still don't really seem that amazed.   How times change. 

In the early 90's in Israel, many people used computers without hard disks--had to stick a big old floppy disk in there to use it....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023
On 4/6/2021 at 10:54 PM, Cara Bereck Levy said:

big old floppy disk

Baa humbug.  I remember using cassette tapes, but others here, not naming names Kratmel, have punched tape!


And now for another piece of silliness tailored to the forum.....

A Unicornics programmer goes to the store.    (Unicornics  🦄   programmers live in Utopia where all programs work perfectly first try.)

Their beloved tells them: "Bring a bottle of milk, and if they have eggs, get a carton of half a dozen."

They come back with 6 bottles of milk neatly placed in a spare cardboard box they got the store to give them, and say: "They had eggs."

I know it's an oldie that used to be about mathematicians, but hey, if you smiled it's worth it.  

cheers, Aus       

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

I can just imagine an audiophile with the most expensive valve amps and super duper turntable sitting back with their $10K headphones on, listening time and again to Ding.wav, savouring every moment.   🎵 🎧

Kratmel, you've really hit the "I don't believe someone actually made this" jackpot this time.  Is it from M$oft? 

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
18 minutes ago, Ausman said:

audiophile with the most expensive valve amps and super duper turntable sitting back with their $10K headphones on

You are right, Aus!

....one of this audiophile (with self made and expensive valve amps and expensive headphones and speakers)  - my friend posted photo of this vinyl from collection on local forum. 

Maybe now this vinyl record is already a very expensive antique!

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  • MVP 2023

Joe, don't tell me you've got one too?  Or is it one of your fellow old radio enthusiasts?

The things people do in their spare time, along with the never ending senses of humour on the planet. 

I have a vinyl of my dad's, which is all the varied steam locos that were in use when he was in the railway game ages ago.  Approaching the mike, tooting and going past working hard on some incline.  I can see people wanting that, and apparently it is not rare.   But I rolled on the floor with the W95 one.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

If you haven't already seen this (Aussie) guy and his views on the world, here's a good starting point.


Then, for all you measurement fans, try this one.


Afterwards, make some time to check out all his others to laugh some more!  He rose to fame with his insights into the absurd things our various Aussie state governments were doing (and still are) for Covid rulings.

Happy watching. 

Cheers, Aus

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1 hour ago, Flex727 said:

Wow, those bits could have been done here in the U.S. with almost no change.

If not for that "accent", one would surely believe it originally was done in the U.S.

Perfectly logical concepts so far as I am concerned....🤪

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